
To my students: I encourage you to come seek help during my office hours:Fall 22 office hours: Monday-Wednesday 9am to 10am; Tuesday& Thursday: 1pm2.30pm; or by appointment.

Classes taught at NJCU: Algebra for College, Intermediate Algebra, PreCalculus, PreCalculus for Business, Calculus I, Calculus II, Problem Solving, Real Analysis, Topology (undergrad and Grad), Advanced Calculus I and II (grad), Survey of Modern Mathematics (undergrad and Grad), Elements of modern Math (grad), Linear Algebra (undergrad and Grad), Contemporary Mathematics.

Classes taught at GSU: College Algebra, Trigonometry, preCalculus, Calculus I-III, Calculus I and II online (taught and developed), Survey of Calculus, Differential Equations, Real Analysis, Discrete Mathematics, Mathematical Structures, Introduction to Topology, Linear Algebra, Undergraduate Senior Seminar, Graduate Seminar

Teaching materials

I have developed various materials for my classes, particularly for Calculus (See Calculus Books page) and analysis:

I have taught Calculus extensively in class and online. Here is a seminar talk on the use of a flipped classroom model in Calculus.