Edited books and editorial work

Beyond Topology (edited with Elliot Pearl) 

American Mathematical Society, Contemporary Mathematics #486, 2009

The purpose of this collection is to guide the non-specialist through the basic theory of various generalizations of topology, starting with clear motivations for their introduction. Structures considered include closure spaces, convergence spaces, proximity spaces, quasi-uniform spaces, merotopic spaces, nearness and filter spaces, semi-uniform convergence spaces, and approach spaces. Each chapter is self-contained and accessible to the graduate student, and focuses on motivations to introduce the generalization of topologies considered, presenting examples where desirable properties are not present in the realm of topologies and the problem is remedied in the more general context. Then, enough material will be covered to prepare the reader for more advanced papers on the topic. While category theory is not the focus of the book, it is a convenient language to study these structures and, while kept as a tool rather than an object of study, will be used throughout the book. For this reason, the book contains an introductory chapter on categorical topology.

Open Problems in Topology II (edited by Elliot Pearl)

 Elsevier, 2007

This massive collective work edited by Elliot Pearl gathered articles presenting current open problems with their context, in various areas of Topology. The book is  organized in 9 thematic parts. I was an editor for the first part titled "General Topology", in which I also co-authored a Chapter.

I was also a guest editor for Volume 31 issue 2 of the professional journal  Topology Proceedings, publishing the proceedings of the 31st Summer Conference on Topology and its Applications that I organized at Georgia Southern University in 2006.

I am also a member of the editorial boards of the following professional journals: