LYX is a powerful front-end for LaTeX, but is much easier to use and quicker to learn. Unlike other similar products like Scientific Word, it is free! It makes producing professional looking scientific documents easy.I have given an introductory workshop on LYX for colleagues and graduate students. My graduate students use LYX to prepare their thesis. Here are videos corresponding to the workshop. I plan on preparing a companion document to learn the basics of LYX.

Getting started with LYX

  • Download LYX from (pick the appropriate source for your machine here. If you do not have a LaTeX distribution, you need to install one as well. Instructions and links are provided, but that means that both download time and installation time can be significant)

  • Here are links to various tutorials. In particular, if using LyX for the first time, start with this tutorial then move on to:

  • A manual for Math in LyX

  • My introductory videos