23) 11/12/2010 Assemble Control Unit

The Control Unit is a component of the Battery Management System that contains a hall effect current sensor that measures current into and out of the battery pack to measure capacity. The output is displayed on the BMS Panel as a display of current in or out (charging or discharging) as well as Capacity expressed both as a State of Charge percentage and as a graphic "Fuel Gauge".

The hole in the sensor is rectangular, and too small to allow the 2/0 cable to pass through with its insulation in place. In order to fit, I stripped about three inches of insulation from a short piece of cable.

The bare wire is quite flexible and passes through the sensor easily.

View from the other end.

Lug crimped on and bare wire wrapped in electrical tape. The Control Unit is secured to the mounting board, and will be inserted into the power cable run from the rear to the front of the car.