Salento Macro Meetings 2023

Hotel Risorgimento - Lecce, Italy

Monday July 24th

 09:30   Welcome


Foreign Exchange Intervention with UIP and CIP Deviations: The Case of Small Safe Haven Economies

Philippe Bacchetta (University of Lausanne, CEPR), Kenza Benhima (University of Lausanne, CEPR), Brendan Berthold (University of Lausanne)

Discussant: Julien Bengui (Bank of Canada, CEPR)



Dollar Debt and the Inefficient Global Financial Cycle

Paul Fontanier (University of Yale)

Discussant: Francesco Pappadà (Paris School of Economics, BdF)



Coffee break



International Diversification, Reallocation, and the Labor Share

Joel M. David (FRB Chicago), Romain Ranciere (University of Southern California, NBER), David Zeke (University of Southern California)

Discussant: Miklós Koren (Central European University, CEPR)



Invited talk

Granular Corporate Hedging Under Dominant Currency

Laura Alfaro (Harvard Business School, NBER, CEPR), Mauricio Calani (Central Bank of Chile), Liliana Varela (London School of Economics, CEPR)






Supply Chain Constraints and Inflation

Diego Comin (Dartmouth College, NBER, CEPR), Robert C. Johnson (University of Notre Dame, NBER), Callum Jones (Federal Reserve Board)

Discussant: Joachim Jungherr (University of Bonn)



Buy Big or Buy Small? Procurement Policies, Firms’ Financing, and the Macroeconomy

Julian di Giovanni (Federal Reserve Bank of New York, CEPR), Manuel García-Santana (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, CEPR), Priit Jeenas (Universitat Pompeu Fabra, CREI), Enrique Moral-Benito (Banco de España) and Josep Pijoan-Mas (CEMFI, CEPR)

Discussant: Sophie Osotimehin (UQAM)



Coffee break



Invited talk

Fixed Costs, Product Heterogeneity and the Force of Competition

Vladimir Asriyan (CREI, CEPR), Alberto Martin (CREI, CEPR), Maria Ptashkina (UPF),  Jaume Ventura (CREI, NBER, CEPR)



Guided tour of Lecce



Social dinner at Blunotte Restaurant, Lecce


Tuesday July 25th



Invited talk

Temporary Layoffs, Loss-of-Recall, and Cyclical Unemployment Dynamics 

Mark Gertler (New York University, NBER), Christopher Huckfeldt (Federal Reserve Board), Antonella Trigari (Bocconi University, CEPR)


A Theory of Non-Coasean Labor Markets

Andrés Blanco (University of Michigan), Andrés Drenik (University of Texas at Austin), Christian Moser (Columbia University, CEPR), Emilio Zaratiegui (Columbia University)

Discussant: Christopher Huckfeldt (Federal Reserve Board)



Coffee break



Unbalanced Financial Globalization

Damien Capelle (International Monetary Fund), Bruno Pellegrino (University of Maryland)

Discussant: Elisa Giannone (Pennsylvania State University)



Dynamic Credit Constraints: Theory and Evidence from Credit Lines

Niklas Amberg (Sveriges Riksbank), Tor Jacobson (Sveriges Riksbank), Vincenzo Quadrini (University of Southern California, Marshall School of Business), Anna Rogantini Picco (Sveriges Riksbank)

Discussant: Gaetano Gaballo (HEC Paris, CEPR)





15:30   Bus departure: from Piazzetta Caduti sul Lavoro to Porto Selvaggio (Ionian Sea)


Sushant Acharya (Bank of Canada, CEPR) 

Gaetano Gaballo (HEC Paris, CEPR)

Sophie Osotimehin (UQAM Montreal)

Francesco Pappadà (Paris School of Economics, Βanque de France)

The organizers kindly acknowledge the financial support from the Chair Banque de France at Paris School of Economics

Call for papers


The sixth edition of the Salento Macro Meetings will take place in Lecce, Italy on the 24-25 July 2023. The objective of this event is to bring distinguished researchers in Macroeconomics in the relaxed and fruitful atmosphere of Salento, the peninsula located in the southernmost region of Apulia, Italy.

We welcome submissions of theoretical or empirical papers addressing issues including:

Submissions from members of under-represented groups in the economics profession are encouraged. 

Invited speakers of this edition are:

Laura Alfaro (Harvard Business School)

Antonella Trigari (Bocconi University)

Jaume Ventura (CREi)

The workshop organization will be able to cover accommodation expenses for speakers and discussants. The organizers kindly acknowledge financial support from the Chair Banque de France at the Paris School of Economics.

The deadline for submissions is April 10, 2023

Submission link:


Lecce is located at the heart of Salento, the peninsula at the southern end of the administrative region of Puglia, Italy. The region is well known for its natural landscapes, like the beaches on the Adriatic and Ionian Sea as well as for the rich Baroque architectural monuments. The closest airport is Brindisi, which is about 40km north of Lecce.

Previous editions