
Measuring the Informal Economy, with a Literary Twist, NBER Digest

Does the Trump corporate tax reform impact the US current account?, Eco Notepad Banque de France

Global imbalances: build-up, unwinding and financial aspects, Banque de France Bulletin

Tax compliance, default risk and GDP linked bonds, Eco Notepad Banque de France

The cleansing effect of recessions: Inefficient firms fail, average productivity goes up, LSE Business Review

Fiscal consolidation episodes in OECD countries: the role of tax compliance and fiscal space, Quarterly Selection of Articles Banque de France Bulletin

Media interventions on austerity and tax evasion in Greece, The Economist - The New York Times

Exchange rates and trade adjustment : Fat tails matter, VOX-EU column - Rue de la Banque

Tax Evasion and Austerity-Plan failure, VOX-EU column