Salento Macro Meetings 2018

The program

Monday August 27th


Session I: Heterogeneity in aggregate demand and supply

Firm Demographics and the Great Recession

Dino Palazzo (Boston University)

Discussant: Francesco Pappadà (Βanque de France)           


Can Heterogeneity Cure New Keynesian Puzzles?

Florin Bilbiie (Paris School of Economics)

Discussant: Emiliano Santoro (University of Copenhagen)  


Coffee break


Optimal Progressivity with Age-Dependent Taxation 

Gianluca Violante (Princeton University)

Discussant: Axelle Ferriere (European University Institute)



Session II: Open-economy dimensions


Strategic Sovereign Default in a Monetary Union

Federica Romei (Stockholm School of Economics)

Discussant: Rana Sajedi (Bank of England)


Fiscal Multipliers and Foreign Holdings of Public Debt

Daragh Clancy (European Stability Mechanism)

Discussant: Sergio De Ferra (Stockholm University)            


Guided tour of Lecce             


Dinner in Lecce                                                                                                                                                           

Tuesday August 28th


Session III: Monetary-fiscal stabilization and interactions

The Extensive Margin of Aggregate Consumption Demand

Luigi Paciello (Einaudi Institute for Economics and Finance)

Discussant: John Mondragon (Kellogg Northwestern University)    


Central Bank Balance Sheet Policies without Rational Expectations

Luigi Iovino (Bocconi University)       

Discussant: Carlo Galli (University College London)            


Coffee break               


Ramsey Taxation in the Global Economy

Pedro Teles (Banco de Portugal and Catolica Lisbon)

Discussant: Nicola Borri (LUISS)        



Session IV: Imperfect information    


Rational Inattention in Hiring Decisions 

Sushant Acharya (Federal Reserve Bank New York)            

Discussant: Kenza Benhima (HEC Lausanne)


Asymmetric Attention

Alexandre Kohlhas (IIES Stockholm)

Discussant: Robert Ulbricht (Toulouse School of Economics)          


Beach session at Lido Mar y sol, Rivabella (Ionian Sea)               

The organizers kindly acknowledge the financial support from the chair Banque de France at Paris School of Economics.


Francesco Pappadà and Gaetano Gaballo

Gianluca Violante

Public lecture, Gaetano Gaballo

Guided tour of Lecce, Porta Napoli

Guided tour of Lecce, Piazza Duomo

Beach session


Galatina is located at the heart of Salento, the peninsula at the southern end of the administrative region of Puglia, Italy. The region is well known for its natural landscapes, like the beaches on the Adriatic and Ionian Sea as well as for the rich Baroque architectural monuments. The closest airport is Brindisi, which is about 70km north of Galatina.

Previous editions: