Salento Macro Meetings 2022

Hotel Risorgimento - Lecce, Italy

Monday July 25th


Systematic Monetary Policy and the Effects of Government Spending

Lukas Hack (University of Mannheim), Klodiana Istrefi (Banque de France, CEPR), Matthias Meier (University of Mannheim) 

Discussant: Karel Mertens (St. Louis Fed)


A tail of labor supply and a tale of monetary policy

Cristiano Cantore (Bank of England and University of Surrey), Filippo Ferroni (Chicago Fed), Haroon Mumtaz (Queen Mary, University of London), Angeliki Theophilopoulou (Brunel University London)


Coffee break


Monetary Policy with Heterogeneous Banks

Marco Bellifemine (London School of Economics), Tommaso Monacelli (Bocconi University, CEPR), Rustam Jamilov (University of Oxford)

Discussant: Ia Vardishvili (Auburn University)


Invited talk

Monetary Policy during the Pandemic

Sylvana Tenreyro (London School of Economics, Bank of England, CEPR)




The Exchange Rate Insulation Puzzle

Giancarlo Corsetti (Cambridge University, CEPR), Keith Kuester (University of Bonn, CEPR), Gernot Muller (University of Tubingen, CEPR), Sebastian Schmidt (European Central Bank, CEPR)

Discussant: Sebastian Fanelli (CEMFI)


Global Demand for Financial Assets, Falling Real Interest Rates and Macroeconomic Instability   

Enrique Mendoza (University of Pennsylvania) and Vincenzo Quadrini (University of Southern California, CEPR) 

Discussant: Jean-Baptiste Michau (Ecole Polytechnique)


Coffee break


The Long-Run Effects of Monetary Policy

Oscar Jorda (San Francisco Fed, University of California Davis), Sanjay R. Singh (University of California Davis), Alan M. Taylor (University of California Davis)

Discussant: Georgios Georgiadis (European Central Bank)


Invited talk

Optimal Exchange Rate Policy

Oleg Itskhoki (Economics at University of California, Los Angeles)


Guided tour of Lecce


Social dinner at Blunotte Restaurant, Lecce

Tuesday July 26th


News, Noise, and Anchoring Shape International Yield Curves

Refet S. Gurkaynak (Bilkent University, CEPR), Mark Kerssenfischer (Deutsche Bundesbank), Burcin Kısacıkoglu (Bilkent University), Jonathan H. Wright (Johns Hopkins University)

Discussant: Marco Del Negro (New York Fed)



Scalable Expertise

David Argente (Pennsylvania State University), Sara Moreira (Northwestern University), Ezra Oberfield (Princeton University), Venky Venkateswaran (New York University)

Discussant: Andres Drenik (The University of Texas at Austin)


Coffee break


Learning by Necessity: Government Demand, Capacity Constraints, and Productivity Growth

Ethan Ilzetzki (London School of Economics)

Discussant: Rustam Jamilov (University of Oxford)


Invited talk

Financial Frictions: Micro vs Macro Volatility

Morten Ravn (Univesity College London, CEPR)





Bus departure: from Piazzetta Caduti sul Lavoro to Porto Selvaggio (Ionian Sea)


Sushant Acharya (Bank of Canada, CEPR)

Gaetano Gaballo (HEC Paris, CEPR)

Carlo Galli (University Carlos III Madrid)

Luigi Paciello (EIEF, CEPR)

Francesco Pappadà (Paris School of Economics, Βanque de France)

The organizers kindly acknowledge the financial support from the Chair Banque de France at Paris School of Economics

Call for papers


The fifth edition of the Salento Macro Meetings will take place in Lecce, Italy on the 25-26 July 2022. The objective of this event is to bring distinguished researchers in Macroeconomics in the relaxed and fruitful atmosphere of Salento, the peninsula located in the southernmost region of Apulia, Italy.

The conference is planned as an in-person event. 

We welcome submissions of theoretical or empirical papers addressing issues including (but not limited to):

·        Consumption behavior and the macroeconomy

·        Firm dynamics and heterogeneity

·        Monetary and/or fiscal policy in closed or open economy

·        Expectations formation and information frictions

Submissions from members of under-represented groups in the economics profession are encouraged. Confirmed speakers of this edition are:

Oleg Itskhoki (UCLA and CEPR)

Morten Ravn (University College London and CEPR)

Silvana Tenreyro (Bank of England, LSE and CEPR)

The workshop organization will be able to cover accommodation expenses for speakers. Financial support from the Chair Banque de France at the Paris School of Economics is kindly acknowledged.

Please send a pdf of your paper to

The deadline for submissions is April 20, 2022. 


Sushant Acharya (Bank of Canada, CEPR) 

Carlo Galli (University Carlos III Madrid)

Gaetano Gaballo (HEC Paris, CEPR)

Luigi Paciello (EIEF, CEPR) 

Francesco Pappadà (Paris School of Economics, Βanque de France)


Lecce is located at the heart of Salento, the peninsula at the southern end of the administrative region of Puglia, Italy. The region is well known for its natural landscapes, like the beaches on the Adriatic and Ionian Sea as well as for the rich Baroque architectural monuments. The closest airport is Brindisi, which is about 40km north of Lecce.

Previous editions