
Please think of the Forest of Dreams, when you come to make your will. A legacy can have tremendous impact and is remarkably easy to set up by adding a codicil to your existing will Your solicitor will be able to advise you. Best of all, a legacy made to a registered charity is free from inheritance tax, so pledging a legacy to Forest of Dreams would reduce any tax you have to pay.

Why you should have a will

Wills are for everyone, They ensure that your hard-earned assets go where you want them to go.

There are different kinds of Legacies:

Residuary—where you specify a percentage of your estate to The Forest of Dreams once all specific gifts, expenses and debts have been taken into account.

Pecuniary—where you leave a set amount to Forest of Dreams

Specific gift—where you give a specific item, for example jewellery, antiques, or house.