Corporate Sponsorship

Please contact us if your business wishes to sponsor or partner with The Forest of Dreams.

Corporate Partnering with Forest of Dreams can:Be integral to your overall business strategy.

Be core to your contribution to the community.

Be reflected in your environmental values and vision.

Reflect a reduction in your organisational environmental impact.

Enable a positive action in minimising the ecological footprint of your operations

Offset unavoidable carbon dioxide emissions (trees re-absorb CO2 & store the carbon)

Demonstrate to investors and city analysts a recognition of the C02 Neutrality concept.

Potential Corporate BenefitsBenefits in reputational status with community, investors and city analysts

Offsetting emissions of GHGs

Partnership with woodland initiative

Donation to charity

Tax Relief on Monetary gifts and gifts in kind

Vocational management engagement

Positive action for Corporate Social Responsibility