Gift Aid

What is Gift Aid?

The Gift Aid scheme allows registered charities to claim back tax already paid on donations they receive from the public. There is no extra cost to you. It's just your chance to say how your tax money is spent. Declaring Gift Aid means that for every pound you give, the charity can reclaim from the Inland Revenue :

  • 28p of tax on every £1 you gave up to 5 April 2008.

    • 25p of tax on every £1 you give on or after 6 April 2008

    • Note: The Government will pay to the charity an additional 3p on every £1 you gave between 6 April 2008 and 5 April 2011. This transitional relief for the charity does not affect your personal tax position.

For example, a donation of £10 made after 6th April 2011, can be turned into £12.50 as long as a Gift Aid form is completed and sent back to The Forest of Dreams.

If you are paying by Debit or Credit Card then you can Gift Aid via the MyDonate site, and so you do not need to complete the below form. Please complete the below form if paying by Cheque, Standing Order or Bank Transfer.

Do my donations qualify?

Forest of Dreams can claim tax back on money you donate in future - or have donated since 2008. There are only these conditions:

1. You need to be a UK Taxpayer

2. You need to have paid at least as much tax as the amount we will be reclaiming. This tax can be either income tax taken from your pay or Capital Gains tax, as long as it's paid in the same tax year you made your donation to Forest of Dreams.

2. You need to complete and return the Gift Aid form to Forest of Dreams, PO BOX 66, Llandrindod, LD1 9AH.

How do I know if I'm a UK taxpayer?

You are a UK taxpayer if:

Tax is taken from your wages or salary before you receive your pay.

You fill in a self assessment form each year.

You have any taxable savings (for example in a Building Society), a pension plan, or investment income.

You have recently paid or expect to pay capital gains tax (on the sale of a property or shares for example). Please note that Inheritance tax does not count as income tax.

What if I'm a pensioner?

You may still pay tax on a private pension plan (not state) or a savings account, or pay Capital Gains Tax if you sell property or shares.

What if I don't pay UK tax?

It's just as important to tell us that you don't pay tax. This way, we don't take up more of your time or use our valuable resources writing to you about this subject. However, if your circumstances change, please let us know.

Can I still Gift Aid to Forest of Dreams if I Gift Aid to other charities?

Yes, you can Gift Aid to as many charities as you wish, you just need to ensure that you have paid at least as much tax as the amount being reclaimed in total.