The Forest of Dreams
Forest of Dreams - Coedwig y Breuddwydion
The Forest of Dreams Ltd is a charity set up to purchase, manage and protect in perpetuity,
a beautiful area of land suited to being left wild as a place of sanctuary.
Latest News:
The land is continuing to return to its original face! Hundreds of young trees are being seen throughout the valley, which have naturally set. Oak saplings are rising through the bracken on the higher slopes. It is all very promising and encouraging!
We have discovered new flowers and trees in new places, never before seen. In 2020, our activities were, of course, limited by coronavirus, but we look forward to new wonders this summer. We are hoping that regular activities will resume in the valley, but this will depend on any government restrictions that remain in place.
The dedication of our supporters over the last 15 years is being rewarded! Please continue to support us.
We are continuing to fund raise towards the ongoing costs of managing the land.
This land is being managed for the benefit of nature.
If you visit, please take care not to disturb the wildlife or to leave any litter.
Please keep to the public rights of way.
Why support The Forest Of Dreams?
If you care about any one of these : rewilding, woodland, wild land, conservation, children, youth and the contemporary crisis in culture - then this is a unique project addressing these concerns.
Coedwig y Breuddwydion Cyf yw elusen y creuwyd i brynu, rheoli ac amddiffyn am byth, ardal brydferth o dir sydd yn addas i’i adael i ddatblygu yn wyllt fel hafan.
Y Newyddion Diweddaraf
Mae’r tir yn dal i fynd yn ôl i’i wyneb wreiddiol! Mae cannoedd o goed ifainc i’w gweld ledled y dyffryn, wedi’u gosod yn naturiol. Mae derw ifainc yn ymddangos yn rhedyn y llechweddau uwch. Mae popeth yn addawol a chalonogol!
Wnaethon ni ddarganfod blodau newydd a choed yn lleoliadau newydd, erioed wedi’u gweld o’r blaen. Eleni, roedd ein gweithgareddau yn gyfangedig, wrth gwrs, ond edrychen ymlaen at ryfeddodau newydd yn y gwanwyn y daw.
Mae ymroddiad ein cefnogwyr dros y 15 mlynedd diweddar yn cael ei wobrwyo! Parheuwch i’n cefnogi, os gwelwch chi’n dda.
Rydan ni’n dal i godi arian tuag at gostau cyfredol rheoli’r tir.
Rheolir y dirwedd hon er lles nature
Peidiwch â tharfu ar fywyd gwyllt neu adael sbwriel. Diolch.
Cadwch at hawl tramwy’r cyhoedd, os gwelwch chi’n dda.
Pam cefnogi Goedwig y Breuddwydion?
Os ydych chi’n meddwl am unrhyw un o’r rhai hyn: tir wyllt, coetir, cadwraeth, plant, ieuenctid a’r argyfwng cyfoes diwylliannol - dyma brosiect unigryw sydd yn ymroi atynt.
Porwch yn ein gwefan am fwy o fanylion a chysylltwch â ni os hoffech mwy o wybodaeth, neu ein dilyn ni ar Weplyfr.
Please browse our website for more details and contact us if you require further information, or follow us on Facebook.
tir wyllt - tirwedd rydd-ewyllys - cadwraeth - coetir - Cymru - DU.
Or when the deep green mantled earth
Warm cherished ev'ry flow'rets birth,
With joy and music pouring forth
In every grove, saw thee eye the gen’ral mirth
with boundless love. - Robert Burns.
Website Last Updated 7 September, 2020
Forest of Dreams is a charity registered with the Charity Commission for England and Wales. Charity Number: 1102410