Flora and Ross Redpath

Flora and Ross Redpath and a number of other families moved from Bralorne in the Bridge River country to Forest Grove in August 1945.

Their first born, Ronald was 5 years old at this time, and Sheila was 2 years of age.

The family purchased the "Thompson " ranch, located at the beginning of the village of Forest Grove on" top of the hill". This ranch remained in the family from 1945 til October 2005.

A son, Billy was born in Williams Lake in 1946 but, later passed away in August 1947.Barbara, also, born in Williams Lake in 1948.Karen, born in Chilliwack in 1950,Tony in 1955 in Ashcroft and Jim in 1957 also, in Ashcroft.

Growing up in Forest Grove brings back so many wonderful, and fond memories.

We all attended elementary school at the Grove. It was first located across the road, from the current school, in what would later become a café and later a residence. When Ron entered grade 1 there was only about 7 (?) students in attendance. He later had to attend secondary school in Williams Lake and Chilliwack as there was not a school in 100 Mile House. Sheila said" there was only 3 children in grade 1" when she started school, when she attended high school; she was able to catch the school bus to 100 Mile House. The road was still gravel and was not paved until about 1963-4.

We walked to school, even in the cold days of winter. The girls were required to wear skirts but, allowed to wear pants under our skirts until we got to school. It was always a treat to stop at the café' for some hot chocolate on those blustery days.

We enjoyed a movie show on Friday nights in the community hall. Prices for the show was 25 cents until the age of 13 years and then it increased to 35 cents. Mrs. Sellars sold tickets for the show (and she knew when we turned 13 yrs) and Mr. Weaver ran the projector. I can remember, he had to climb a ladder to get up to the projector room. The first 4 or 5 rows were wooden benches, the rest were seats attached by 2 long pieces of wood. After the show we would walk or run home, or if we were lucky, the First Nations' families would give us a ride home on the back of their wagons.

During the summer months we swam in Ruth Lake, took lessons from Mrs. Langdon. We would ride our bikes down to swim or hitchhiked. Our

Christmas concerts were staged in the community hall and attended by all the residence. Our parents attended many dances in the hall. On special occasions ' Evan Kemp ' would come to the town and perform with his band.

Dad and Mum were very active in the community and at one time owned' Forest Grove Development' and donated the Forest Grove cemetery land to the community, this plot of land borders the Redpath property. A garage, store and lodge were the first buildings in the community. A community hall was built later.

Sheila Redpath and Robert White

ca. 1949

Forest Grove Grade 1 Class of 1948

Robert White, Sheila (Voth) Redpath, Philip Wilcox