Gladys and Bill Jewell

Bill and Gladys Jewell

Gladys was born in 1927 in Prince Albert, SA and grew up there on a farm. She came to BC in 1949 and worked in the 100 Mile Coffee Shop. She married Bill Jewell in 1950 and quit her job although she did work at the Buffalo Creek store. The store was a large log building which had been built by English Decker and it was run by Laird Crawford. The old store burned in 1961 and in 1972 Gladys took over the Buffalo Creek post office.

Bill Jewell’s parents moved to the Cariboo in 1940 and established a ranch. Their first house was log with a sod roof. Their son Bill was seventeen when he purchased his land. Bill and Gladys lived in a cabin after they were married. They had very few facilities – no running water or electricity. They had four children all born in Williams Lake. They went to the old Buffalo Creek School which also burned.

Gladys and Bill were very involved in church work.