Graduate Student Publications

Here is where you can view recent publications from our Labs and Students! (Fordham members in Bold)

If you would like your publication listed or linked below, please feel free to e-mail with your details!

Puckett EE, Park J, Combs M, et al., Munshi-South J. (2016). Global population divergence and admixture of the brown rat (Rattus norvegicus). Proceedings of the Royal Society B. DOI: 10.1098/rspb.2016.1762

Aksoy P, Gottschalk EY, and Meneses PI. (2016). HPV entry into cells. Mutation Research/Reviews in Mutation Research.

Gottschalk EY, Meneses PI. (2015). A dual role for the non-receptor tyrosine kinase Pyk2 during the intracellular trafficking of human papillomavirus 16. J Virol. pii: JVI.01183-15.

Dubrovsky E.B., and Bernardo, T.J (2014) The juvenile hormone receptor and molecular mechanisms of juvenile hormone action. Adv. Insect Physiol. 46, 305-388.

Aksoy P, Abban CY, Kiyashka E, Qiang W, Meneses PI (2014) HPV 16 infection of HaCaTs is dependent on β4 integrin, and α6 integrin processing. Virology 449. 45–52.

Whorley Sarah B., Francoeur, Steven N (2013) Active fluorometry improves nutrient-diffusing substrata bioassay. Freshwater Science. Vol. 32, No. 1, pp. 108-115

SN Francoeur, ST Rier, SB Whorley (2013) Methods for sampling and analyzing wetland algae. Wetland Techniques.

Xie, X., Dubrovskaya, V., Yacoub, N., Walska, J., Gleason, T., Reid, K., Dubrovsky, E.B. (2013). Developmental roles of Drosophila tRNA processing endonuclease RNase ZL as revealed with a conditional rescue system. Dev. Biol. 381, 324-340.

Kumar A, Jacob T, Abban CY, Meneses PI (2013)Intermediate heparan sulfate binding during HPV16 infection in HaCaTs. Am J Ther. 

Rachel Welt (former Fordham M.S. student) had a paper accepted in the journal AoB Plants entitled “Analysis of population genetic structure and gene flow in an annual plant before and after a rapid evolutionary response to drought”, and it received an Editor’s Choice honor.  Rachel is the first author, and Amy Litt and Steve Franks are co-authors.