We know there is a lot to review. Thank you for actually doing it. We hope that we are painting a very clear picture here so that you are best prepared for what to expect so that you have the best time possible!

Remember, this is not the usual Volunteer Event. You are making a FIRM commitment when you register. We are relying on you bringing the number of helpers you register for. We do not care if they are the original ones you had in mind, but every shift must be fulfilled by a capable person.

Your failure to show up in whole could deny others the experience because we only have a limited number of openings each shift. If some emergency arises and you find you cannot fulfill your commitment, please call us ASAP so we can make your shifts available to others. You should confirm with your participants a week before the shift.


Rain is NOT an acceptable excuse for cancellation! The parade does not stop for weather.


Before You Arrive

Know the limits of this job and understand there are extended wait times. There is a lot of hurry up and wait time. Your attitude will set your success in having fun. Decide to have a good day!

Be sure to review this information with all participants. Adults are required to supervise minors and should be helping to reinforce this information.

During floral week Security will not let you in without event identification! Passes and or Wristbands are handed out at check in and you may keep your pass as a memento.

*Cell phones are a hazard in this environment they should not be in use in the building. This includes by adults as well. Even the Fiesta Staff minimize their cell phone use to only business calls related to building the floats. Please ensure that cell phones are left with leaders and adults monitoring the group.

Where To Go

All shifts are at Fiesta Parade Floats.

16016 Avenida Padilla, Irwindale, CA 91702

Parking is located at:

1111 W. 3rd Street, Azusa, CA

NOTE: You will not be Parking at, picking up, or dropping off at Fiesta!!

 Parking/pick-up/drop-off is off site and you will be shuttled in. The map for parking, drop off, and pick up can be downloaded here.

What NOT to Bring

Please leave all valuables at home. Leave purses and backpacks in the trunk of your car or leave them at home and carry a small wallet or hip pack. The Tournament of Roses, Fiesta Parade Floats, and Girl Scouts are not responsible for any loss or damage to your personal belongings.

What to Bring

For each person attending, please bring:

What to Wear

**Only wear clothes that can get dirty and ruined. If they get glue on them, and it is likely they will, the glue will never come out.**

When You Arrive and During Your Shift

Please have only one person approach the check in table so that we can get everyone in efficiently. All of the Client's Volunteers are put to work FIRST and we do not know when they will be coming. They show up and leave on their own schedule.

Scaffolding Basics

Do's and Don'ts

Please DO:

Please DON'T: