cs470/670- SPRING 2023
Artificial Intelligence
Instructor: Funda Durupinar Babur
Office: M-03-0201-08
Office Hours: By appointment via Calendly The default setting is 15 min. You can make consecutive appointments if you think we'll need more time.
Teaching Assistant: Pablo Bendiksen
TA Office: M-03-0201-30
TA Office hours: Mon/Wed/Fri 1 - 1:50 pm
This course covers a broad technical introduction to the techniques that enable computers to behave intelligently: problem solving and game playing, knowledge representation and reasoning, planning and decision making, learning, perception and interpretation. The application of these techniques to real-world systems, with some programming in Python.
Course Format
Classes will be in-person. We will use Blackboard for the course. All the course material including slides, assignments, and announcements will be on Blackboard.
Artificial Intelligence: A Modern Approach (4th Edition), Stuart Russell, Peter Norvig, 2021, ISBN 978-0134610993
Assignments: (35%)
There will be several sets of assignments that include programming tasks.
Midterm: (25%)
Will cover the book chapters 1-9, 12-14.
Final exam: (40%)
Any unexcused work received past the due date will receive a deduction on the following scale:
Less than 1 day late: 10 points
More than 1 day late: 20 points * number of days.
So, an assignment with an original grade of 100 will receive 90 if it is submitted a few hours later than the deadline, 80 if it is submitted the next day (>24 hrs past deadline) until it receives no credit after the 5th day.
Any student submitting somebody else’s work as their own, copying material from outside sources (such as ChatGPT, Chegg, Wikipedia, etc.), or copying their own old work (whole or in part) to a new submission, will receive an F in the course. In particularly drastic cases, plagiarism can lead to expulsion from the University. The instructor will not tolerate dishonesty and will make no exceptions to this policy. Please protect yourself and the instructor from this unpleasant business by being honest and submitting only your own work.
Education at UMass Boston is sustained by academic integrity. Academic integrity requires that all members of the campus community are honest, trustworthy, responsible, respectful, and fair in academic work at the university. As part of being educated here, students learn, exercise, increase, and uphold academic integrity. Academic integrity is essential within all classrooms, in the many spaces where academic work is carried out by all members of the UMass Boston community, and in our local and global communities where the value of this education fulfills its role as a public good. Students are expected to adhere to the Student Code of Conduct, including policies about academic integrity, delineated in the University of Massachusetts Boston Graduate Studies Bulletin, Undergraduate Catalog, and relevant program student handbook(s), linked at www.umb.edu/academics/academic_integrity.
UMass Boston is committed to creating learning environments that are inclusive and accessible. If you have a personal circumstance that will impact your learning and performance in this class, please let me know as soon as possible, so we can discuss the best ways to meet your needs and the requirements of the course. If you have a documented disability or would like guidance about navigating support services, contact the Ross Center for Disability Services by email (ross.center@umb.edu), phone (617-287-7430), or in person (Campus Center, UL Room 211). To receive accommodations, students must be registered with the Ross Center and must request accommodations each semester that they are in attendance at UMass Boston. For more information visit: www.rosscenter.umb.edu. Please note that the Ross Center will provide a letter for your instructor with information about your accommodation only and not about your specific disability.
Course materials will be available on Blackboard.