cs461 - SPRING 2022



Spring '23 Final game DEMOS


This course covers the game development pipeline, from modeling of virtual environments and gaming assets, to interactive rendering and real-time physics-based simulation in virtual environments. The syllabus is centered on the essential components of a game engine, as well as software engineering techniques relevant to game development. Students will learn the specifics of Unity game engine and use it to develop their own games for the assignments and the final project. The goal of this course is to prepare students for a career as a game developer.


Instructor: Funda Durupinar Babur

Teaching Assistant: JieHyun Kim (JieHyun.Kim001@umb.edu)

Office: M-03-0201-08

Office Hours: By appointment via Calendly The default setting is 15 min. You can make consecutive appointments if you think we'll need more time.

Course Format

Classes will be in-person. We will use Blackboard for the course.  All the course material including slides, assignments, and announcements will be on Blackboard. 


No textbook is required; course materials will be available on Blackboard. However, here are some useful resources:


Assignments: (50%)

There will be several programming and written assignments throughout the semester. 

Final Project: (50%: Proposal: 10%, Progress Report: 10%, Final Game + Demo: 30%)

The students have two options for the final project:


Students can work individually or in groups in either case. 


Any unexcused work received past the due date will receive a deduction on the following scale:

So, an assignment with an original grade of 100 will receive 90 if it is submitted a few hours later than the deadline, 80 if it is submitted the next day (>24 hrs past deadline) until it receives no credit after the 5th day.

Tentative SCHEDULE

Jan 24: Introduction, game design

Jan 26: Introduction to Unity, game loop

Jan 28: Creating a scene in Unity 

Jan 31: Unity C# scripting 

Feb 2: Unity C# scripting 

Feb 4: Demo game in Unity  / Assignment 1 due

Feb 7:  Graphics 

Feb 9:  Graphics 

Feb 11: Graphics

Feb 14: Physics

Feb 16: Physics 

Feb 18: Physics  / Assignment 2 due

Feb 21: No class  (President's Day)

Feb 23: Animation

Feb 25: Animation 

Feb 28: Animation / Final game proposal due

Mar 2: Animation 

Mar 4: Animation / Assignment 3 due 

Mar 7: Animation 

Mar 9: Unity 2D

Mar 11:  Unity 2D 

Mar 14: No class (Spring Break) 

Mar 16: No class (Spring Break)

Mar 18: No class (Spring Break)

Mar 21: Unity 2D

Mar 23: Unity UI

Mar 25: Unity UI  

Mar 28: Game AI

Mar 30: Game AI

Apr 1: Game AI / Assignment 4 due

Apr 4: Unity AI 

Apr 6: Unity Multiplayer

Apr 8: Unity Multiplayer

Apr 11: Unity Audio

Apr 13: Unity Audio

Apr 15: Unity Audio  / Progress report due

Apr 18: No class (Patriots' Day) / Assignment 5 due

Apr 20: Game design patterns

Apr 22: Game design patterns

Apr 24: Game design patterns

Apr 26: Game design patterns

Apr 29:  Unity Scriptable Render Pipeline

May 2: Unity Shaders

May 4Unity DOTS

May 6: Final project demos

May 9: Final project demos

May 11Final project demos


Any student submitting somebody else’s work as their own, or copying their own old work (whole or in part) to a new submission, will receive a grade of 0 for the assignment. The second violation will result in failing the course. In particularly drastic cases, plagiarism can lead to expulsion from the University. The instructor will not tolerate dishonesty and make no exceptions to this policy. Please protect yourself and the instructor from this unpleasant business by being honest and submitting only your own work. 

Students are required to adhere to the University Policy on Academic Standards and Cheating, to the University Statement on Plagiarism and the Documentation of Written Work, and to the Code of Student Conduct which is available online at: https://www.umb.edu/life_on_campus/policies/academics/academic_honesty


Section 504 of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 offers guidelines for curriculum modifications and adaptations for students with documented disabilities. If applicable, students may obtain adaptation recommendations from the Ross Center for Disability Services, M1401 (617-287-7430). The student must present these recommendations and discuss them with each professor within a reasonable period, preferably by the end of Drop/Add period.


Course materials will be available on Blackboard.