Research interests

My areas of research are organization studies and the history management

My work deals with the political and societal dimensions of (new) ways of organizing work and its management. By means of process and phenomenological perspectives shedding light on the continuous fabric of novelty with contemporary digital capitalism, I study how new ways of working and organizing work emerge and relate to societal dynamics. My research methods are mainly ethnography, historical methods and qualitative experimentations. Since 2017, I develop a research project about global management, its americanity and its relationships with digital and post-digital societies. I rely on American Historical archives related to World War II and the after war period. In continuation of this research, I have beed the holder of the chair France-Brésil launched in November 2020 by Sao Paulo University on the topic of "Digitality and Management : Presence, Time and Space".

I am co-editor in chief of the Journal of Openness, Commons & Organizing (JOCO), Associate Editor of  Management Learning and member of the International Advisory Board of Organizações & Sociedade. I am also guest editor of a Special Issue published in Organization Studies entitled "Control and surveillance of new work practices". I am the author of more than 170 articles, book chapters, books and conference papers. My research has been published in top-tier MOS (Organization Science, Organization, Organization Studies, Organizational Research Methods, MOH, Culture and Organization, Information and Organization…) and MIS (Information Systems Research, European Journal of Information Systems, JIT, SJIS, ITP…) journals.

As an open and citizen science activist, I militate for open education and open institutions of higher education. Beyond a view focused on property issues, in particular open and free licences, he is interested in new methods likely to contribute to the joint development of common knowledge and increased capability and agentivity for citizens. Since 2016, I contributes to the design of a pragmatist urban method of problematization, a walking ethnography named OWEE (Open Walked Event-Based Experimentation). I have also initiated several experimentations focused on open education and new ways of teaching management, in particular a new course at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL entitled "Transformations du Travail et du Numérique" (TTN). He is the coordinator of TTN since 2018.

In a logic of open science, I have cofounded several alternative networks: the Organization, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) workshop, the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS) and the Dauphine Phenomenology Workshop (DPW). All these networks organize open, free, open to all events coproduced and documented collaboratively. Between 2016 and 2023, I have been the president-elect of the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces, an alternative research network exploring new ways of working. RGCS gathers 96 coordinators in more than 20 countries. I am now a elect-member of RGCS executive committee. I am also an ative member of the European Group on Organization Studies (EGOS) and the Academy of Management (AoM), OMT and OCIS divisions.

Over the last twenty years, I have been visting professor for several leading international institutions, e.g. the University of Cambridge (JBS, 2000), the Copenhagen Business School (2005), LSE (ISIG, 2008), McGill (Desautels department, 2013), IESE (2014), the Stockholm Business School (2016) and HUJ (2017). Between August 2019 and August 2020, I have been Visiting Research Professor at New York University (NYU).

I have been the chair of several laboratory, research groups and major research projects in Saint-Etienne (Université Jean Monnet), Grenoble (UJM) and Paris (UPD). I have also been an elected member of several central or local councils, and have been several times expert for the ANR or the HCERES for which I chaired several evaluation processes.

I have been the receipient of several national or international awards, e.g. the  best paper award of the Academy of Management (OCIS) in 2013, the prix de la fondation Paris-Dauphine en 2015 or the prix AIM-CIGREF en 2019.

I am the co-director of the Center for Organizational Methods and the director of the Observatoire des Pratiques de Consulting (OPC) at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL. I am also the co-director of the master 128 (Business Consulting and Digital Organization) at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL. This M2 explores new ways of working for researcher and consultant in management. It is part of the Programme Gradué PSL RIM, first step towards PSL PhD.

My last books are Apocalypse managériale (Belles Lettres), The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies (Oxford University Press), Organization as Time (Cambridge University Press) and The Rise of Digital Management (Routledge). 

Keywords: Management; Organization; Legitimation; Alegitimation; Novelty; Emergence; History of management; Global management; Historiography; Work; (New) ways of oganizing; Digital innovations; Digitality; Depth; Materiality; Temporality; Space; Publicity; Public Space; Encounters; Serendipty; Street; Atmosphere; Presence; Narratives; Openness; Collaborative entrepreneurship;  Hackers; Freelancers; Open Science; Citizen Science

Philosophical underpinnings: Metaphysics of history; Process philosophy; Continental philosophy; American Pragmatism