François-Xavier de Vaujany 

Full Professor at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL & researcher at DRM (UMR CNRS 7088) 

#Organizationstudies #Historyofmanagement #HistoryofWork #Capitalism #DigitalInnovation #PhilosophyofOrganization #OrganizationalEthnography #Time #Space


June 2024: new book out 

de Vaujany, FX. (2024). The rise of digital management: from industrial mobilization to platform capitalism, NY: Routledge. Translation & adaptation of Apocalypse managériale

December 2023: new paper accepted in Organizational Research Methods

de Vaujany, FX, Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, A. & Islam, G. (2023). Experimentation in Qualitative Organization Research: Determinacy and Indeterminacy Through Walking Ethnography. Organizational Research Methods, forthcoming.


June 2023: new edited book about time and new article accepted in ML

de Vaujany, FX., Grandazzi, A. & Holt, R. (Eds) (2023). Organization as Time, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

de Vaujany, FX. & Introna, L. (2023). Becoming processual: time to de-place managerial education, Management Learning, forthcoming. 


March 2023: edited book following the Dauphine Phenomenology Workshop in 2019, 2020 and 2021 

de Vaujany, FX., Aroles, J. & Pérezts, M. (Eds) (2023). The Oxford Handbook of Phenomenologies and Organization Studies, Oxford: OUP, forthcoming

July 2022: article accepted in Culture & Organization 

de Vaujany, FX. (2022). Imagining the name of the rose with Deleuze:  Organizational and self world-making on the screen, Culture and Organization, doi/full/10.1080/14759551.2022.2105338

June 2022: article accepted in  Organizaçoes e Socidade 

de Vaujany, FX. & Heimstädt, M. (2022).  A Pragmatic Way to Open Management Research and Education: Playfulness, Ambiguity and Deterritorialization, Organizaçoes e Sociedade, forthcoming. . 

February 2022: my new book in French Apocalypse managériale

de Vaujany, FX. (2022). Apocalypse managériale, Paris: Editions Les Belles Lettres
