
1. Responsibilities

1.1 Management of research groups, scientific networks, educational programs & expertises/consulting activities

Member of Université Paris Sciences & Lettres (PSL) academic council ("Sénat académique") (2021-2025)

Member of the council ("conseil de laboratoire") of DRM, UMR CNRS 7088 (Since 2010)

Co-director of the Center for Organizational Methods (CeFOM) (since 2023)

Scientific director of the Observatoire des Pratiques de Consulting (OPC)

Co-founder (in 2014) and president-elect (2016-2019, 2020-2023) of the Research Group on Collaborative Spaces (RGCS)

Chair of RGCS Open Education Award

Member of the working group "Travaux et Nouveau Campus" at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

Former head of several research centers and groups at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (2010-2015), Université Grenoble Alpes (2007-2009) and Université Jean Monnet (2005-2007).  

Holder of the chaire France-Brésil (University of Sao Paulo) about "Management & Digitality: Presence, Space & Time" (February 2021-October 2021)

Co-founder and co-coordinator of the Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) workshop (2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021)

Coordinator and co-founder of the Dauphine Phenomenology Workshop (DPW) (2017, 2018, 2019)

Co-director of the Master Business Consulting & Digital Organization (MBC), master 128 of PSL, Université Paris-Dauphine (since 2010)

Co-director of the "Observatoire des Pratiques de Consulting" (OPC) (since 2023)

Co-director of the dual PhD CIS-Paris-Dauphine (2010-2016)

Former member of the scientific council of Université Paris Dauphine-PSL (2014-2015)

Expert for the AERES and the ANR (Public French organizations evaluating research)

President of HCERES committees (2013 and 2017)

Expert for the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (Public Canadian Organization evaluating research)

Consulting activities & speaker about open knowledge & new ways of working & living

1.2 Editorial responsibilities

a) Ongoing editorial responsibilities 

Associate Editor for Management Learning (2021-2023)

Co-editor in chief of JOCO (since 2021)

Member of the international advisory board of Organizações & Sociedade (Organizations & Society) (2020-2022) 

Senior Editor of the French Journal of Information Sytems (Systèmes d'Information et Management)  (since 2008)

Guest Editor (with Ann Cunliffe, Ella Hafermalz, Aurélie Leclercq-Vandelannoitte, Lucas Introna and Thijs Willems), Special Issue 2022 about "Experiencing Communality and Togetherness at work: Phenomenologies of a Shared Existence" for Management Learning  

Guest Editor (with Aurélie Leclercq-Vandelanoitte, Ian Munro, Yesh Nama and Robin Holt) of a special issue in Organization Studies "Control and surveillance of new work practices" (forthcoming in 2021)

b) Past editorial responsibilities 

Guest Editor (with Marlei Pozzebon, Bernard Leca, Eduardo Diniz, Nathalie Mitev), Special Issue 2017 about "Sociomateriality and the relationship among artifacts, organizations & practices" for the Revista de Administração de Empresas

Member of the editorial board of Management Learning (from 2018)

Member of the scientific committee of Management International (Since 2007) and M@n@gement (2008-2014)

Ad hoc reviewer for several journals (Organization Studies, Organization Science, I&O, Management Learning, Organization, MISQ, EJIS, ITP, RFG, FCS, M@n@gement) 

Convenor of six sub-themes for EGOS (e.g. for EGOS 2018 ST "Coworkers, hacker and makers: transforming and making visible work practices" with Stefan Haefliger and Janet Merkel)

Member of the programm committee IFIP 8.2. 2014 (Auckland, December 2014) and IFIP 8.2 2016 (Dublin, December 2016)

Co-coordinator of the Standing Group of the Organizations, Artifacts & Practices (OAP) workshop from 2011

Co-chair of OAP from 2011

Co-chair of the Dauphine Phenomenology workshop since 2016

Co-chair of the first and second RGCS Symposium

Convenor of PDW and tracks for EURAM

Associate researcher to the Fondation Paris-Dauphine (chaire IESO) (2012-2016)

Former Associate Editor for ICIS (2012 and 2013) 

Member of the Academy of Management (AOM, OCIS and OMT divisions), the  European Group on Organization Studies (EGOS) and the European Academy of Management (EURAM). 

2. Education

2007: Agrégation des Universités en sciences de gestion (option: Management des Systèmes d'Information et de Communication), public competitive examination for full professorship

2006: Habilitation to supervise research (HDR) in Management & Organization Studies

2001: PhD in Management & Organization Studies (Université Jean Moulin, Lyon 3). 

1999: EIASM certificate about "Organizational Design" & Centre Européen de Formation Approfondie à la Gestion (CEFAG, promotion 1999)

1998: Preparatory class for the agregation d'économie et gestion (Université Lyon 2) and lauréat of the agrégation d'économie et gestion

1997: Master 'Stratégie et Management' (path 'organizational change') and DU Management (Organizational sociology and organizational economics), Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3

1996: Kedge Business School (ESC Bordeaux)

1992 (one year): Preparatory class (HEC) at the Institution des Chartreux (Lyon). 

3. Experience

2019 (August) to 2020 (August): Visiting Research Professor at New York University (NYU)

Since 2018: Distinguished Professor (professeur des universités, "classe exceptionnelle 1" then classe EX2 in 2021) at Université Paris Dauphine-PSL

Since 2009: Full Professor at Université Paris-Dauphine. Research director at DRM (M&O).  Co-director of the master 128. Member of the scientific comitee of the university (2011-2012) and member of the laboratory council ("conseil de laboratoire") since 2010.  Holder of the Prime d'Excellence Scientifique (PES) till 2015 and holder of the Prime d'Encadrement Doctoral (PEDR) since then. 

From 2007 to 2009: Professor at IAE de Grenoble and resarcher at the CERAG (UMR CNRS). Co-director of the research group in MIS. Director of the Ms SIO research. 

From 2002 to 2007: Associate professor at Université Saint-Etienne (ISEAG). Researcher at Preactis. Ajoint-director and director of Preactis (research center in management of université Jean Monnet). Director of the Ms Project Management. 

From 1997 to 2001: PhD student and assistant professor at Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University. 

4. Involvement in academic events

Co-chair of the Organizations, Artifacts & Practices (OAP) workshop since 2011

Co-chair of the Dauphine Phenomenology Workshop (DPW) since 2017

Co-convenor with Marie-Laure Salle-Djélic and Stefan Haefliger of ST 69 "The politics of Sharing" at EGOS 2019

Speaker at Strategy as Practice Community (SAP) Day, Digitalization & Open Science at EGOS 2019

Convenor of ST "Coworker, makers & hackers" at EGOS 2018 with Janet Merkel & Stefan Haefliger

Co-convenor for EGOS 2016 of ST "Control, Materiality and Practices" with Andrew Pickering and Emmanuelle Vaast 

Co-chair Organizations, Artifacts and Practices (OAP) workshop, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019, 2020, 2021

Member of the OC and scientific committee of the 1st, 2nd & 3rd RGCS Symposium

Co-coordinator with Julie Fabbri & Anna Glaser of ST-AIMS 7 at AIMS 2017 in Lyon (about coworkers, makers & hackers)

Member of the program committee of IFIP 8.2 2016 in Dublin

Chair scientific comitee AIM 2011

Member of the scientific comitee of AIM since 2003

Member of the organizing comitee of MCX 1999

Member of the organizing comitee of the JRAO 2005

Member of the organizing comitee for IFIP 2009 (virtual worlds)


Session chair at AIMS 2009, AIM 2009 and 2011

Member of jurys for best PhD dissertations awards (Transversal FNEGE 2011, AIM-Robert Reix since 2007, EDL) 

5. Teaching activities

Key topics: 

Future of work in the digital era

Research design in management and organization studies

Being an academic

Case study research

Theories of IS: an organizational perspective

Evaluation of managerial techniques in organizations

Strategic management


Executive MBA students, Ms students (Master Business consulting, Master Politique Générale, Master Management of Université Paris-Dauphine), MBA IP, PhD students (école doctorale)

Also past experiences with students of engineering schools (ENTPE, Ecole des Mines de Saint-Etienne, Ecole des Mines de Nantes) and business school students (ESCP-EAP and IAE). 

6. Best paper awards and honours

Best paper award AIM-CIGREF 2019 

Best paper award 2015 of the Fondation Paris-Dauphine

Best paper award of the Academy of Management (AoM) 2013, OCIS division 

Selected for the AoM best papers proceedings 2013

Finalist best paper award Syntec Management 2013

Finalist Emerald Business Research award for Emerging Researcher 2012

Since 2009: Holder of the Prime d'Excellence Scientifique (PES)

Best PhD dissertation award EDL 2003 

7. PhD & HDR supervisions 

5 on-going PhD supervisions

3 on-going HDR supervisions

8 PhD defended (François-Delorme, Fabric Perriac, Hélène Bussy-Socrate, Pierre Laniray, Anouk Mukherjee, Albane Grandazzi, Eliel Markman, Aurore Dandoy)

2 HDR defended (Damien Mourey, Julie Labatut) 

Past participations to 130 PhD or HDR defenses 

8. Contracts

Collaboration for the rapport annuel de l'APEC 2018-2019 and coordination (with Pierre-Yves Gomez) of the FNEGE survey 2019 about new ways of working 

Member of the research contract DREES coordinated by Hélène Bussy-Socrates ("La protection sociale dans les espaces de l’économie collaborative")

PSL research contract (DMP project), from March 2013, project coordinator, associate researcher. Topic: Design, materiality and practices: stakes of space and legitimacy. In collaboration between DRM and Mines ParisTech (CSI and CGS). Fieldwork about global universities (McGill, Stanford, Berkley...) and their "campus tours". 

CIGREF (ISD project, wave A), 2011-2012, project coordinator, associate researcher. Topic: Fads and fashions in IT innovations. In collaboration with Sabine Carton, Carine Dominguez Péry and Emmanuelle Vaast. Fieldworks about several trade shows (E-commerce, Internet world, SITL, IND-AO) and TS organizers (Reed Elsevier and GL events). 

Chaire IESO, from October 2011, associate researcher. Coordinator of a research about organizational reputation. Partners: Sanofi, PSA, Total and Sogeti. 

Convention de recherche Suez-IAE de Lyon, 1999-2003. Topic: Use of Intranet and groupware technologies. Fieldwork: Global evaluation of the Intranet of Suez. Analysis of the IS of several subsidiaries.    

Consulting activities from 2010

9. Hobbies & passions

Passion for History (Middle Age, WWII, American History...). Wine lover. Obsessed by walking in urban spaces, exploring them, understanding them.