
Working Papers


            "The Dark Side of Infrastructure: Roads, Repression, and Land in Authoritarian Paraguay," joint with Felipe González, Josepa Miquel-Florensa, and Stéphane Straub.

                       June 2024 | Conditionally accepted at the Economic Journal. [PDF]

            "Dictatorship, Higher Education, and Social Mobility," joint with María A. Bautista, Felipe González, Luis Martínez, and Pablo Muñoz.

                       May 2024 | Conditionally accepted at the Journal of Historical Political Economy. [PDF]

            "Health Workforce Reallocation in the Aftermath of Conflict: Evidence from Colombia," joint with Claudio A. Mora-García, Paul Rodríguez-Lesmes, and Juan F. Vargas.

                       March 2024 | Revision requested at Labour Economics. [PDF]         

   In Progress  

            "The Pinochet Shock: Radical Change and Life under Dictatorship,"  edited with Felipe González. 

                       Palgrave Macmillan. Book Project with chapters written by 15 scholars. [Table of Contents]

            "Empowerment or Indoctrination? Female Training Programs under Dictatorship," joint with Felipe González and Cristine von Dessauer.

                       July 2024. [PDF]         

            "Landmines: The Local Effects of Demining," joint with Miguel E. Purroy and Juan F. Vargas.

                       April 2024. [PDF]         

                       Featured in:  VoxTalks Economics, El Espectador, Foco Económico  

            "Mafias and Firms," joint with Jaime Arellano-Bover, Marco De Simoni, Luigi Guiso, Rocco Macchiavello, and Domenico J. Marchetti.

                       March 2024. [PDF]

            "Fear to Vote: Explosions, Salience, and Elections," joint with Juan F. Vargas, Miguel E. Purroy, Felipe Coy, and Sergio Perilla.

                       February 2024. [PDF]         

                       Featured in: Foco Económico  

            "Government Support in Times of Crisis: Evidence from Chile's Road to Socialism," joint with Felipe González.

                       October 2023. [PDF]         


            "Managers' Productivity and Recruitment in the Public Sector," joint with Pablo Muñoz.

                       American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, forthcoming. [PDF] 

                       Featured in: El Mercurio, Radio UChile

            "Higher Education and Mortality: Legacies of an Authoritarian College Contraction," joint with Felipe González, Luis Martínez, and Pablo Muñoz.

                       Journal of the European Economic Association, forthcoming. [PDF]

                       Featured in: Faculti

            "A Peace Baby Boom? Evidence from Colombia's Peace Agreement," joint with María Elvira Guerra-Cújar, Paul Rodríguez-Lesmes, and Juan F. Vargas.

                       Journal of Human Resources, forthcoming. [PDF]

                       Featured in: VoxLacea

            "Police Violence, Student Protests, and Educational Performance," joint with Felipe González.

                       Review of Economics and Statistics, 2024, 106(3). [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: Nada es gratis

            "Buying a Blind Eye: Campaign Donations, Regulatory Enforcement, and Deforestation," joint with Robin Harding, Nelson A. Ruiz, and David Vargas.

                       American Political Science Review, 2024, 118(2), 635-653. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: The Washington Post

            "The Limits of Hegemony: U.S. Banks and Chilean Firms in the Cold War" joint with Felipe Aldunate and Felipe González.

                       Journal of Development Economics, 2024, 166, 103212. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

            "Peaceful Entry: Entrepreneurship Dynamics During Colombia's Peace Agreement," joint with Carolina Bernal, Juan F. Vargas, and Mónica Ortiz.

                       Journal of Development Economics, 2024, 166, 103119. [PDF] [Online Appendix]     

            "How Peace Saves Lives: Evidence from Colombia," joint with Sergio Perilla, Miguel E. Purroy, and Juan F. Vargas.

                       World Development, 2024, 176, 106529. [PDF]  [Online Appendix]             

            "The Rise and Persistence of Illegal Crops: Evidence from a Naive Policy Announcement," joint with Juan F. Vargas and Daniel Mejía.

                       Review of Economics and Statistics, 2023, 105(2), 344-358. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: VoxDev, El Tiempo, Semana, LSE blog (English), LSE blog (Spanish), Foco Económico

            "The Geography of Repression and Opposition to Autocracy," joint with María A. Bautista, Felipe González, Luis Martínez, and Pablo Muñoz.

                       American Journal of Political Science, 2023, 67(1), 101-118. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: LSE blog (English), LSE blog (Spanish), CIPER, Foco Económico, Radio Infinita, Contrafactual

            "The Human Capital Peace Dividend," joint with Juan F. Vargas and Olga Namen.

                       Journal of Human Resources, 2023, 58(3), 962-1002. [PDF] [Online Appendix

             "The Intergenerational Transmission of Higher Education: Evidence from the 1973 Coup in Chile," joint with María A. Bautista, Felipe González, Luis Martínez, and Pablo Muñoz.

                       Explorations in Economic History, 2023, 90, 101540. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

            "Ownership Networks and Labor Income," joint with Federico Huneeus, Borja Larrain, and Mauricio Larrain.

                       Journal of Law, Economics, and Organization, 2023: ewad027. [PDF]         

            "Corruption and Firms," joint with Emanuele Colonnelli.

                       Review of Economic Studies, 2022, 89(2), 695-732. [PDF] [Online Appendix] (includes list of corrupt and government-dependent sectors)

                       Landau Prize for the best SIEPR Discussion Paper; Best Paper Award at USC Marshall Finance PhD Conference (co-winner)

                       Featured in: VoxDev, J-PAL Policy Insight, Chicago Booth Review, Nexo Journal, LAPP

            "Revealing Corruption: Firm and Worker Level Evidence from Brazil," joint with Emanuele Colonnelli,  Spyridon Lagaras, Jacopo Ponticelli, and Margarita Tsoutsoura.

                      Journal of Financial Economics, 2022, 143, 1097-1119. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

            "Selective Civilian Targeting: The Unintended Consequences of Partial Peace," joint with Andrés Rivera, Dario Romero, and Juan F. Vargas.

                       Quarterly Journal of Political Science, 2022, 17(3), 317-354. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: LSE blog (English), LSE blog (Spanish), Chicago Policy Review, Vision of Humanity, Foco Económico, La Silla Vacía III, La Silla Vacía II, La Silla Vacía I, El Espectador, Opinión Caribe

            "Lost in Transition? The Persistence of Dictatorship Mayors," joint with Felipe González and Pablo Muñoz.

                       Journal of Development Economics, 2021, 151, 102669. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: Nada es Gratis

            "The Internal Labor Markets of Business Groups," joint with Federico Huneeus, Borja Larrain, and Mauricio Larrain.

                       Journal of Corporate Finance, 2021, 69, 102017 . [PDF] [Online Appendix]

            "Patronage and Selection in Public Sector Organizations," joint with Emanuele Colonnelli and Edoardo Teso.

                       American Economic Review, 2020, 110(10), 3071-99. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: The visible hand (Podcast), Econimate video, AEA Chart of the Week, VoxEU, World Bank blog, VoxDev, Folha do Sao Paulo, Business Daily Africa

            "Losing Your Dictator: Firms During Political Transition," joint with Felipe González

                       Journal of Economic Growth, 2020, 25(2), 227-257. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: La Segunda II, La Segunda I, The Clinic, Nexo Jornal

            "The Privatization Origins of Political Corporations: Evidence from the Pinochet Regime," joint with Felipe González and Francisco Urzúa.

                       Journal of Economic History, 2020, 80(2), 417-456. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

Winner of the Arthur H. Cole Prize

                       Featured in: LSE Business Review, Nada es Gratis, Radio Infinita, La Segunda, Stigler Center blog 

            "Privatization and Business Groups: Evidence from the Chicago Boys in Chile" joint with Felipe Aldunate, Felipe González, and Francisco Urzúa.

                       Explorations in Economic History, 2020, 78, 101355. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

            "How Do Internal Capital Markets Work? Evidence from the Great Recession," joint with David Buchuk, Borja Larraín, and Francisco Urzúa.                        

                       Review of Finance, 2020, 24 (4), 847–889. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: Derecho Mercantil blog

            "End-of-Conflict Deforestation: Evidence from Colombia's Peace Agreement," joint with Santiago Saavedra and Juan F. Vargas.

                       World Development, 2020, 129, 104852. [PDF]

                       Featured in: Vision of Humanity, Foco Económico, La Silla Vacía I, La Silla Vacía II, PID Amazonía, Nova et Vetera

            "The Value of Political Capital: Dictatorship Collaborators as Business Elites," joint with Felipe González.

                       Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 2018, 155(4), 217-230. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: Radio Infinita, Nexo Jornal

            "Can Television Bring Down a Dictator? Evidence from Chile's "No" Campaign," joint with Felipe González

                       Journal of Comparative Economics, 2018, 46(1), 349–361. [PDF] [Online Appendix]

                       Featured in: El Observador, Qué Pasa, Radio Infinita, CIPER, Foco Económico 

            "The Internal Capital Markets of Business Groups: Evidence from Intra-Group Loans," joint with David Buchuk, Borja Larraín, and Francisco Urzúa.

                       Journal of Financial Economics, 2014, 112(2), 190–212. [PDF]

                       Featured in: Doing Business, Derecho Mercantil blog

            "Liquidity and Firm Investment: Evidence for Latin America,"

                       Journal of Empirical Finance, 2013, 20(1), 18–29. [PDF]

Book Chapters and Others

            "An Interdisciplinary View of Cuba," joint with Felipe González and Andrea Tesei.

                       In: Roots of Underdevelopment II. Ed F. Valencia, in progress. [PDF]

            "The Legacy of the Pinochet Regime," joint with Felipe González.

                       In: Roots of Underdevelopment I. Ed F. Valencia, 2023. [PDF]

            "Predicting Politicians' Misconduct: Evidence from Colombia," joint with Jorge Gallego and Juan F. Vargas.

                      Data & Policy, 2022, 4, e41. [PDF]                      

            "Pandemic Corruption: Insights from Latin America," joint with Jorge Gallego and Juan F. Vargas.

                       In: Procurement in Focus: Rules, Discretion, and Emergencies. CEPR Press. Eds O. Bandiera, E. Bosio, and G. Spagnolo, 2022. [PDF]                      

            "What Predicts Corruption?," joint with Emanuele Colonnelli and Jorge Gallego.

                       In: A Modern Guide to the Economics of Crime. Edward Elgar. Eds P. Buonanno, P. Vanin, and J. F. Vargas, 2022. [PDF]                      

                       Featured in: El Diario, Legal Theory blog 

            "A New Kidney Allocation Policy in Chile: Computer-Based Simulations," joint with Raimundo Atal, Javier Domínguez, and Rodrigo Harrison.

                       Transplantation Proceedings, 2013, 45(4), 1313–1315. [PDF

Dormant papers

            "Inefficient Procurement in Times of Pandemia," joint with Jorge Gallego and Juan F. Vargas.

                       May 2021 | Revision requested at the Economic Journal. [PDF]         

                       Featured in: El Tiempo, El Diario, El País, La Silla Vacía, Foco Económico