Pablo Muñoz Henríquez

I am an Assistant Professor in the Department of Economics at the University of Chile. I work mainly on topics in labor, health, and political economics.

I received a Ph.D. in Economics from UC Berkeley in 2020. Here is my CV and Google Scholar profile. You can contact me at


Brazilian School of Economics and Finance (FGV EPGE)

Market Imperfections and Public Policy Institute (MIPP)

Nucleus on Immigration Consequences and Perceptions (MIGRA)

Working papers

with  F. Menares

with C. Otero 

Revision requested at the American Economic Review

with M.A. Bautista, F. González, L. Martínez and M. Prem

Conditionally accepted at the Journal of Historical Political Economy

Selected works in progress

with J.P. Atal, T. Larroucau, and C. Otero

with A. Bucarey, C. Campos, and D. Contreras

Book project, edited by F. González and M. Prem

Other publications

with A. Bucarey, M. Jorquera, and S. Urzúa

Estudios Públicos, 2014

with A. Redondo

CEPAL Review, 2013