VIP Events


On Friday 3rd May at 8.00pm the Fame U.K. Reunion events officially kicked off with the VIP Ticket Fan Meal with all 8 members of the Reunion Cast.

A wonderful evening that took place at the Shankly Hotel on Victoria Street and gave many fans their first opportunity of meeting the cast.

There was an air of nervous excitement as the fans started to gather at the hotel, all wondering how the evening would unfold. Before long the cast all arrived to huge applause. The room was set up with half a dozen large tables and the cast would move between tables during each of the 4 courses. It had been scheduled to last 1 ½ hours however things took much longer and it was around 11.30pm by the time all of the cast left and after midnight when all the fans finally left.

At my table, which I shared with fans Larry Van Cassele and Elaine Prescott,

We had the pleasure of Nia’s, Cynthia, PR and Lee’s company. It was great to get time to chat with them personally. Not only did we meet the cast but some of their plus ones too, mainly Paul’s wife Joy and Lee’s wife Sherrie, who chatted with the fans just as much as the cast did. Lee was definitely struggling by the end as the chest infection he had was taking its toll on his voice.

The meal was lovely, consisting of soup, a chicken dish, cheesecake and coffee and mints.

The rain may have been coming down outside but inside everyone was in really high spirits and having the time of their lives.

As we said our goodbyes and went off into the night we were all eager to experience what was still to come.

The Cast make their entrance.

After Show Party

After the Concert on Sunday 5th May 2019 the VIP ticket holders made their way to he James Street Hotel for the after Show party with the cast.

I'd been up at 5.00am that day and had only had a couple of hours sleep. After all the excitement and stress of The Events day followed by the concert I was actually ready for bed.

I went back to my flat to shower and change. Then made our way to the hotel still feeling tired.

The venue was buzzing as people were waiting excitedly for the cast to return.

When the cast arrived large groups of people swarmed round them for photos and autographs.

Tom Urie was working hard that day. After the full day hosting the Events day at the Convention he was then the DJ for the party too.

When he started playing a few "Fame" songs people got really excited and there was much singing and dancing.

By 2.00am things started to wind down. The cast had already left as they still had a big day ahead of them on the Monday. We helped Tom pack up our stuff and finally got to bed after 3.00am.

Fans singing along to Starmaker at the After Show party on Sunday 5th May 2019 led by Tom Urie. With thanks to Tom for sharing the video.

Coffee/Tea and Cake Event

On Monday 6th May the Coffee/Tea and Cake with the Fame U.K. Reunion Cast VIP event took place at St James Street Hotel.

The cast were running behind schedule (which became a common theme) but the atmosphere was happy and relaxed as the fans enjoyed their drinks and cake. When the cast arrived they chatted, signed autographs and posed for photos.

It was a mad rush that day so I was unable to attend this event. Although I was in the Hotel Foyer by the time the cast were arriving and after a quick chat with Val and Loretta I needed to leave to get ready for the next Fame Family Experience Event.

I'm glad to hear that everyone seemed to have a good time.

Photos Penny Evans and Debbie Tomkinson.

Cast Group Photo Sessions

The final official part of the Reunion were the fan photos with the whole Reunion cast.

A unique opportunity for people to get that wonderful lasting reminder of the reunion and being with all the cast together.

The photos took place after the concerts.

Mine took place after the Monday show and we could all end the Reunion on a wonderful high.