09.) 3D Printed Hollow Form Object: Concept Generation (In-class)

Post date: Nov 13, 2019 8:9:9 AM




3D Printed Hollow Form Object: Concept Generation

Wednesday, Novermber 13

Wednesday, Novermber 13 (in class)

Assignment Description:

We will be working in pairs to design and create a HOLLOW FORM 3D Printed vessel - but first we will do some concept generation.

During our in-class brainstorming session, we will each generate multiple concepts for our design.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) In Rhino, generate no less than six (6) concepts for a single or double perimeter (hollow), self-supporting vessel.

2.) As demonstrated in class, create surface models for your concepts. Use functions like extrudeCrv, planarSrf, loft, rotate and copy to generate the surfaces of your forms.

3.) Everyone will be assigned a partner for next week's assignment (see assignment #10 for more info)

4.) This in-class assignment does not require a blog post, however, next week's will!

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Outstanding examples from previous semesters:

