04.) 3D Scan (Side project!)

Post date: Sep 25, 2019 5:10:18 PM




3D Scan (Side project!)

Wed, Oct 2

Friday, Oct 11

Assignment Description:

We will make use of the 3D scanner, and, in combination with Meshmixer, create a 3D model to render in Rhinoceros.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Use the "Makerbot Digitizer" 3D scanner to capture an STL model of your object of choice.

2.) Use Mesh Mixer to clean up / alter your model.

3.) Export the resulting STL from mesh mixer, and import into Rhino.

4.) Assign a material, add lights, add a ground plane, and save at least 3 (three) renderings.

5.) Create a new post on your process blog, introducing your object, and include the 3 renderings.