01.) Objectified Response

Post date: Sep 12, 2016 11:54:39 AM




Objectified Response

Wednesday, September 11

Tuesday, September 17 @ 11:59am (NOON)

Assignment Description:

Watch Gary Hustwit's feature-length documentary: Objectified. As the film examines the role of everyday non-living objects in our daily lives - we will each be creating our own every-day object.

After watching the film, we will each utilize the tools covered in todays Tinkercad demonstration to design a virtual object inspired by one or more of the objects in the film. In addition, we will each document our virtual object (via screen shots) on our process blog, along with a brief written reflection.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Watch Gary Hustwit's Objectified (link here)

2.) Use Tinkercad to create a virtual object inspired by / in response to one or more of the objects from the film.

3.) Use Snipping Tool to take at least three screen shots of your virtual object (from various perspectives.)

(hint: imagine the viewport as a camera - make it a beautiful shot!)

4.) Create a new post on your process blog, title it, and upload the images you captured of your object.

5.) Include, along with the images, a description of what inspired you to create the object you did, how it relates to the film.

6.) If you are responding to a specific object from the film, be sure to include, in your description, the name of the designer or of the product if it is mentioned in the documentary.

7.) Post your BLOG URL (i.e. http://www.bryancera.blogspot.ca/) on MOSAIC under the assignment "Process Blog URL"

Complete this assignment by 11:59am (noon) on Tuesday, September 17.

See examples of outstanding submissions for this assignment from previous classes:



