05.) Mesh Mashup: HD Renders (Milestone 1)

Post date: Oct 02, 2019 4:35:52 AM




Mesh Mashup: HD Renders

Wed, Oct 2

Tues, Oct 8 @ 11:59am (noon!)

Assignment Description:

To wrap up Project One: Mesh Mashup, we will create HD renders of our creations in Rhinoceros.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Assign materials to each component of your model

2.) Add a ground plane to the scene

3.) Add lighting to the scene

4.) Change render setting for HD output

a.) set to quality: "good" or "final"

b.) set size to at least 1000 pixels wide

5.) Include, in a blog post, at least 6 HD renders of your project (six different views/perspectives).

Examples from previous semesters:

