11.) Unconventional Eyewear: Concept Generation

Post date: Oct 23, 2017 7:18:34 PM




Unconventional Eyewear: Concept Generation

Monday October 23

Monday October 30 @ classtime.

Assignment Description:

We will be using Rhino to design custom unconventional eyewear. As a first step, generate 9 to 12 concept sketches (thumbnails are okay!) for potential eyewear designs.

Design Guidelines:

1.) Each concept should speak to a specific place, event, memory or scenario

2.) Think outside of the box. We are generating unconventional designs - not ready-to-wear!

3.) At this stage in design, there is no such thing as a silly idea. I.e. the weirder, the better.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) In your sketchbook, create nine to twelve sketches (or thumbnails) of eyewear concepts.

2.) Next to each concept, include a number for ease of reference (see example here.)

3.) A blog post is not required for this assignment, but save these sketches, as they may be required in a future post.

4.) Bring and be ready to discuss your concept sketches in class next week.

*note: Also bring your vinyl project with you to class next week!