10.) BLOG POST: Reverse Eng. Object: Progress I

Post date: Oct 23, 2017 6:56:24 PM




Reverse Eng. Object: Progress I

Monday October 23

Sunday October 29 @ 11:59pm (midnight!)

Assignment Description:

Now that we have selected our objects to reverse engineer (via 3D modelling in Rhino), we will begin to manually digitize their components.

Using your digital calipers, take measurements from your object and from them create dimensioned geometry in Rhino.

Assignment Requirements:

1.) Using your digital calipers, take measurements of your object's components (as you go).

2.) Using 2D and 3D geometry functions, re-create your objects geometry to-scale (inputting dimensions as you enter drawing commands)

3.) If you are working in inches, dimensions should be accurate to one-thousandth (0.000) of an inch. If you are working in millimeters, dimensions should be accurate to one-hundredth (0.00) of a millimeter.

4.) Document your progress digitizing your object in a new post on your process blog.

5.) Include images (screenshots) of your model in the post.