Oracle Cloud Manager for EBS ( Prior version)

The Oracle EBS cloud manager is a useful tool in the arsenal of every EBS sysadmin working with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure.

It does however suffer from a few deficiencies which one needs to be aware of before choosing this tool for cloning management in OCi.

The first point is that there does not seem to be a simple way to choose non standard ports for the oracle database. Our security practice generally prefers that we avoid the well known ports for the Oracle database when setting up our Ebusiness suite and EBS itself is flexible about the ports in use. However by default the setup scripts for cloud manager and the tool itself expects ports in the 15 hundred ranges.

The second point is that the tool does not yet support the oracle FSS service which is a shame as that is the shared filesystem of choice in OCI.

The Third point is that there does not seem to be the capability to incorporate sparse ASM snapshots for Rapid cloning of instances.

These steps outline the setup of the Orchestration VM for the EBS cloud Manager. There is a stack available that quickly sets up the plumbing required to run the EBS cloud manager including the requisite subnets , VCN , IAM permissions etc.

You can follow the steps from the cloud manager guide to setup your tenancy for Use by the cloud manager