Install Oracle Database 19c from Edelivery on OEL 8 Latest and [INS-08101] 

15th May 2023

So if you want to make a simple Oracle test database on Oracle linux 8 one of the easiest ways is to spin one up in OCI. You could go for a DBCS base db setup or you could simply spin one up in OCI. But there is a simple catch there are several things you need to setup before you can go ahead and install the database in OCI.

Lets quickly walkthrough the simplest and smallest setup. We choose the smallest possible shape with a default oracl linux 8 installation. This will lead us to a few issues later but thats part of the fun.

I am going to use a preexisting public vcn and a set of keys I alrady have setup as this is just a demo. Normally I would recommend using a private VCN and the oracle bastion service

Now i will install the yum group "server with gui" and the oracle prevalidated rpms . I will also install tiger vnc server so I can have an xwindows for downloading the oracle software from edelivery and installing the same.

[INS-08101] Unexpected error while executing the action at state: 'supportedOSCheck'

[INS-08101] Unexpected error while executing the action at state: 'supportedOSCheck'

[INS-08101] Unexpected error while executing the action at state: 'supportedOSCheck'

So this is because we are on the latest version of OL 8 but its not supported by the edelivery oracle installer version 19.3. I found a blog entry on google where another DBA provides the solution to the problem  We need to set export CV_ASSUME_DISTID=OEL8.1 before running runinstaller.

Now it launches and we can proceed with the installation.