OCI VS AWS VS Azure Comparison

Cost Comparison

This is based on a specific comparison we did for one of our customes. They had 7 Oracle database applications which required an aggregate of 68 cores on premise which translated to 34 Oracle database licenses.

To get the equivalent computer power on AZURE and OCI we needed double and near double the number of cores. Ignoring the license costs the pure compute storage anmd network costs itself came out double or triple that of OCI.

Oracle provides a rich cloud portfolio – From IaaS to PaaS to SaaS, where AWS provides only IaaS

Integrated cloud stack management

Single Vendor accountability

In Hybrid cloud model ease of Integration is more in OCI compared to AWS

PaaS solution can be leveraged in seamless integration between OCI and On-Prem

Oracle Offers single tenant i.e. Dedicated Compute Service

Lesser compute (CPU/hr) cost on OCI for equivalent configurations

Oracle Cloud storage –Cost Effective

Oracle Archival Storage is lowest cost archival/backup solution

Presence of High Performance DB and Application Compute Layer in OCI

Exadata, Exadata Cloud@Customer.

Database Active/Active High Availability is Complex and Third Party Dependent in AWS