Here is the academic programme, with list and contact details of the speakers, of the 2nd EWPM in Reading.
Below are links to some of the presented papers and their subsequently published versions (in chronological order of the publications).
Topical Panel: Brexit
Pawel Smietanka (with Nicholas Bloom, Philip[Bunn, Scarlet Chen, Paul Mizen, Greg Thwaites and Garry Young), Firm Level Data on Responses to Uncertainty from the Decision Maker Panel, version as "Brexit and uncertainty: insights from the Decision Maker Panel" Bank of England Staff Working Paper No. 780, February 2019.
Monique Ebell, The Impact of Brexit on the UK’s Trade in Services and Financial Services
Special Talk: Virtue Ethics and Normative Economics
(1) Masao Ogaki (with Saori C. Tanaka), Introducing Virtue Ethics into Normative Economics for Models with Endogenous Preferences; published as chapter titled "Normative behavioral economics" in Ogaki, Masao and Tanaka, Saori C., Behavioral Economics: Toward a New Economics by Integration with Traditional Economics, 185-207, Springer, 2017.
All Other Sessions:
(2) Jérôme Creel (with Franceso Saraceno), EU Governance under Reform: What Next?; published as chapter titled "The future of the euro area: the possible reforms" in the Report on the State of the European Union: Volume 5: The Euro at 20 and the Futures of Europe, 115-130, 2018.
(3) Etienne Farvaque (with Franck Malan and Piotr Stanek), Misplaced Childhood: When Depression Babies Grow up as Central Bankers; published in Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control 110, 103697, January 2020.
(4) Blandine Zimmer (with Cornel Oros), Optimal Monetary Delegation under Fiscal Uncertainty; published as "Budget uncertainty in a monetary union" in the European Journal of Political Economy 63, 101884, June 2020.
(5) Pierre-Guillaume Méon (with Abel François), Perceived Corruption and Government Level: Far Away Politicians Are Perceived as More Corrupt; published as "Politicians at higher levels of government are perceived as more corrupt" in the European Journal of Political Economy, 67(C), March 2021.
(6) Philipp Harms (with Claudia Landwehr), Preferences for Direct Democracy: Intrinsic or Instrumental? Evidence from a Survey Experiment; published as “Preferences for referenda: intrinsic or instrumental? Evidence from a survey experiment”, Political Studies 68(4), 875-894, November 2020.
Riccardo Rovelli, Patterns of Inflation in the EU: The Role of Domestic Labour Market Institutions
Alexander Mihailov (with Etienne Farvaque), A Theory of the Intergenerational Transmission of Inflation Beliefs and Monetary Institutions
Alireza Naghavi, Intangible Assets and the Organization of Global Supply Chains
Gulcin Ozkan, Housing Wealth, Credit Constraints and Fiscal Policy: Who Suffers Most from Austerity?
Jan Fidrmuc, Measuring Wellbeing: Individual Based Approach
<=> 6 published (so far) out of 13 presented papers