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How Administrators Can Support ELLs During COVID-19 - This section of Colorin Colorado offers building and district leaders ideas on how to support ELL success and work effectively with ELL families during COVID-19. It also includes related resources,
Transforming the Resources You Have into Accessible Formats for All Students- Carmen Nguyen
Web Tools-Catlin Tucker is working as a blended learning coach and education consultant
A Flipped Learning Flow for Blended Online Classes-Catlin Tucker discusses how teachers can blend video content into a complete learning experience.
Is it Language Difference or Disability?- This Power Point addresses ways to assess ELLs for placement in the appropriate program (s).
Using a Culture Fair to Engage Teachers, Parents, Students and the Community-West Genesee CSD has an annual culture fair in early March. The entire community gets involved on a Saturday afternoon in the high school gym. It is a wonderful event offering foods from many cultures, dancing, music, games and much more!
Supporting ELLs in the Content Areas- Mid-West RBERN offers several resources here for teaching ELLs in Math, Science and Social Studies
ENL Overview & Strategies-Great Video
The Five Pillars of Equitably Grading ELLs-Sometimes key issues exist with the structure and content of report cards, a lack of validity in grading content and challenges with district policies when it comes to grading ELLs. SupportEd
Co-Teaching in a High School Science Class - A success story between an ENL teacher and a Science Teacher at Nottingham High School.
How to Create Culturally Responsive Classrooms- This Middle Web article explains that CRT is everyday practices that embrace the cultures of all students no matter where they come from, what language they speak, or what color their skin may be.
Four Key Things to Look for in a Classroom That Supports ELLs - What should you look for as a school leader when you observe a classroom with ELLs? Valentina Gonzalez
Every Teacher Can Be a Language Teacher- ELLs can least afford to waste instructional time that does not connect language to content. The transition to “school talk” poses a particular challenge for English Language Learners (ELLs) as they must develop everyday language already familiar to their monolingual peers, at the same time as they learn academic language skills. (O’Brien and Leighton, 2015).
Using a Culture Fair to Engage Teachers, Parents, Students and the Community-West Genesee CSD has an annual culture fair in early March. The entire community gets involved on a Saturday afternoon in the high school gym. It is a wonderful event offering foods from many cultures, dancing, music, games and much more!
Integrating School and Community for ELL Success- Katie Knapp is an Elementary ENL teacher from the Liverpool School District. She told me about the many ways that the district collaborates with the community to help ELLs/MLLs and their families.
End of the Year Reflection by Two ENL Teachers- Kari Free, ENL teacher from Oswego City School District, and Lori Dotterer, ENL teacher from Jamesville-Dewitt Central School District at that time, talked about their high school teaching experiences this year. They reflected on some of their biggest successes and share a few of their greatest learning experiences.
Culturally Responsive Teaching-Why is It Important? Linda Vaught is a seasoned ENL teacher from the Solvay Union Free School District, about her views on culturally responsive teaching.
What One PLC Member Does for Summer Learning- Pat Marzola, an Elementary ENL teacher from West Genesee Central School District, tells us about what she does to expand her horizons over the summer!
How an ENL Teacher Prepares for the New School Year Marcellus CSD
Collaborating in a High School Science Class Syracuse City School District
MORE ENL BLOGS : Tan Huynh Valentina Gonzalez Carol Salva Support Ed TESOL
Gonzalez, V. (n.d.). Infographics. Serving Multilingual Learners of All Ages. Retrieved from
Serving Multilingual Learners of All Ages - Elementary English Language Learners (
A Welcoming Place: Stories for Kids | Colorín Colorado (