Neighbors Helping Neighbors

Collaboration and cooperation are keys to success when teaching ELLs. ENL teachers come to the table with skills and training which can be beneficial to the success of Emerging Bilingual students and to all students! 

As the numbers of MLLs continue to grow, working together is more important than ever.  They are everybody's kids! Featured here are examples of collaboration in schools, RTI for ELLs, Use of technology,  Co-teaching and Collaboration by the Long Island RBERN, links for teaching vocabulary to Newcomers and other helpful strategies for teachers.             

5 Ways Teachers Can Collaborate to Support English Learners ( 

"A different language is a different vision of life"

-Federico Fellini                                  



SVirtuEL Conference -Links to presentations including distance Learning and more 

ENL Distance Teaching Padlet-Very comprehensive site from South Dakota ESL teachers

More Academic Vocabulary Ideas-

Monthly SEL Themes and Activities for Advisory Programs ( 

Tech Tools Breakout Session by Irina McGrath and Michelle Shory

Building a Sense of Belonging for ELLs

Supporting Long-Term ELLs Online

Spotlight on ELL Dropout Prevention - This is a hot topic in NYS and beyond..

ELLs and Special Education -Many helpful links about  ELLs and Special Education thanks to Mid-State RBERN.

Collaborating and Co-Teaching for ELLs, A Leader's Guide - This 12 page leader's guide contains recent, research-based information related to the "Co-Teaching" model of instruction for ELLs. Examples/models of instruction, self-assessment log, weekly and daily planning templates are included in this link.

The Role of Background Knowledge in ELL Instruction - One of the most critical components of helping English language learners (ELLs) succeed academically is the role of background knowledge. 

On the Spot Scaffolding for Students-Here are some ideas to consider when the learners in the midst of a lesson need a little extra something.:

Welcome to Our Schools, BRIA - The Welcome to Our Schools program, developed by the Office of Refugee and Immigrant Assistance of the New York State Office of Temporary and Disability Assistance (OTDA), is designed to ease the transition of refugee children into the elementary and secondary schools of New York State, and to empower their parents to be effective partners in the education of their children .Sample ENL Policy Manual

Co-Teaching and Collaboration: the Role of Administrators- Components of a successful Co-teaching model

        Culture Shock. Gonzalez, V. (n.d.). Infographics. Serving Multilingual Learners of All Ages. Retrieved from