Homepage of Erlend Grong

Department of Mathematics, University of Bergen

Photo: Magnus Johan Grong

Welcome to my homepage


University of Bergen, Department of Mathematics,

P.O. Box 7803, 5020 Bergen, Norway


Researcher at the University of Bergen

I am currently a Researcher in Mathematics, working at the University of Bergen. You can find me at the Department of Mathematics on the forth floor of Nature Science Building, room 4A7f. My homepage at the department.

Adjunct associate professor at BI

I am an adjunct associate professor at BI Norwegian Business School. My homepage at BI.

My project

I am a researcher in the project GeoProCo: Geometry and Probability with Constrains, supported by the Trond Mohn Foundation. See more details about the project at its homepage.

I am the organizer of the Analysis and PDE seminar at the Department of Mathematics in Bergen.

I am an associate editor of the journal of Analysis and Mathematical Physics.

Se separate pages for

Upcoming events that I am organizing

Upcoming events that I am attending

Recent events that I have organized

Research interests

My research is centered around sub-Riemannian geometry, and branches out in any direction linked to this subject. I began by studying problems related to geodesics and control theory. After my Ph.D., I have mostly been working on the relationship between sub-Riemannian geometry and second order operators that are not elliptic, but still hypoelliptic. On of the main tools to investigate this relationship has been to apply the geometry of stochastic differential equations. Another tool of increasing importance has been investigating holonomy groups defined only by loops tangent to a subbundle, which has powerful applications to sub-Riemannian metrics as well as Riemannian metrics on foliations.

Recently, I have also look into the sub-Riemannian equivalence problem using Cartan geometry, geometric statistics  and geometric deep learning.