July 1-5, 2024
Lie groups, geometry, integrability, hydrodynamics
Sophus Lie Conference Center, Nordfjordeid, Norway
The conference will be focused on recent advances in geometry of integrable systems and applications of infinite-dimensional Lie groups in hydrodynamics as well as on geometric and hydrodynamic methods in dispersionless integrability. During the conference we will have an opportunity to celebrate the 60th birthday of Boris Khesin.
Plenary speakers
David Calderbank (Bath)
Eugene Ferapontov (Loughborough)
Vladimir Fock (Strasbourg)
Boris Khesin (Toronto)
Valentin Lychagin (Moscow/Tromsø)
Vladimir Matveev (Jena)
Eva Miranda (Barcelona)
Gerard Misiolek (Notre Dame)
Valentin Ovsienko (Reims)
Jan Slovak (Brno)
Stefan Sommer (Copenhagen)
Ian Strachan (Glasgow)
Registration is now closed.
Registered participants will soon be informed on the status of their application by one of the organizers. Those who applied for local support will also receive information about it. In the case of questions, please contact one of the organizers that you consider to be closest to your interests.
If you want to try late registration, you may also contact one of the organizers.
Cost of stay: 1100/980 NOK per night in single/double room in addition to a one-time administrative fee of 245 NOK. This covers 3 meals per day. Payment is done directly to SLCC on arrival. Taxi will be booked by SLCC based on your arrival and departure times, and the cost of taxi should be paid to SLCC.
Warning: There may appear scam emails offering help with accomodation.
We do not delegate rights to any third party to deal with organization of the meeting.
All payments will be done at SLCC upon arrival.
Conference poster
Organizing team
Scientific committee
Anton Izosimov (Arizona)
Boris Kruglikov (Tromsø)
Irina Markina (Bergen)
Klas Modin (Chalmers)
Sergei Tabachnikov (Penn State)
Organizing committee
Boris Kruglikov (Tromsø)
René Langøen (Bergen)
Irina Markina (Bergen)
Eivind Schneider (Tromsø)