
Invited talks/Lezingen op uitnodiging:

Peters, E. (2023). The role of vocabulary in academic English. Invited by Netwerk Academische Communicatieve Vaardigheden (NACV). Presented at the NACV 2023, Leuven, 10 February 2023.

Peters, E. (2022). TV, subtitles, captions and language learning. Invited by Språkkraft. Oslo, 9 December 2022.

Peters, E. (2022). Meertaligheid kinderspel? Hoe leren we een nieuwe taal. Invited by Orde van den Prince. Aalst.

Peters, E. (2022). Woorden tellen! Hoe woordenschatverwerving stimuleren in de lessen Engels, Frans of Duits. Invited by Centrum Nascholing Onderwijs, Universiteit Antwerpen. Antwerpen.

Peters, E. (2022). Plenary: Out-of-school language learning from foreign language media. Invited by EuroSLA. Presented at the EuroSLA 31, Fribourg, 25 Augustus 2022. 

Peters, E. (2022). Woordenschat in het vreemdetalenonderwijs: mythen en feiten. Invited by Onderzoekseenheid taalkunde (KU Leuven). Presented at the Dag van het taalonderwijs, Leuven. 

Peters, E. (2021). Woorden tellen! Hoe woordenschatverwerving stimuleren in de lessen Engels, Frans of Duits. Invited by Centrum Nascholing Onderwijs, Universiteit Antwerpen. Antwerpen, 9 november 2021. 

Peters, E. (2021). Learning English from audiovisual input. Invited by ETAI. ETAI Online Summer Conference, 6 July-7 Jul 2021. 

Peters, E. (2021). Woorden tellen! Hoe woordenschatverwerving stimuleren in de lessen Engels en Duits. Invited by Eekhout Academy. Presented at the Dag van Engels en Duits, (Online talk). 

Peters, E. (2021). Woorden tellen! Hoe woordenschatverwerving stimuleren in de lessen Engels, Frans of Duits. Invited by Centrum Nascholing Onderwijs, Universiteit Antwerpen.. (Online talk). 

Peters, E. (2021). Woorden tellen! Hoe woordenschatverwerving stimuleren in de lessen Engels, Frans of Duits. Invited by Centrum Nascholing Onderwijs, Universiteit Antwerpen. Universiteit Antwerpen. (Online talk).

Peters, E. (2021). Turn on the TV and boost your language skills! Learning vocabulary through watching TV. Invited by 'Language and Literacy Development Across the Life Span' (LANSPAN) at the University of Groningen's Faculty of Arts. (Online talk).

Peters, E. (2020). Sit back and relax. Learning vocabulary through wathcing TV. BAAL Online Conference 2020. 4 September 2020. 

Peters, E. (2020). Woorden tellen. Waarom woordenschat zo belangrijk is voor taalvaardigheid. CNO Taaldag 2020. Antwerpen, 6 February 2020. 

Peters, E. (2019). Woorden tellen! Over woordenschatkennis en taalvaardigheid. Jaarlijks congres DiWeF, Diepenbeek, 14 November 2019. 

Peters, E. (2019). Learning vocabulary from audio-visual input. Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 28 March 2019.

Peters, E., Puimège, E. (2018). Learning formulaic sequences from audiovisual input. Symposium Idiomatic Second language Acquisition. Nijmegen, The Netherlands, 18-19 June 2018. 

Peters E. (2017). The effect of out-of-class exposure on learners’ vocabulary knowledge. Symposium on Teaching and Learning Vocabulary. Western University, London, Canada, 17 November 2017.

Peters, E. (2017). Vocabulary acquisition through viewing. UCL, London, 10 May 2017.

Peters, E. (2017). Vocabulary acquisition through viewing. Mini-symposium Vocabulary. Leuven, 8 May 2017.

Peters, E. (2016). Learning vocabulary through audiovisual input: the differential effect of L1 and L2 subtitles. Multimodal input in second language learning. Barcelona, Spain, 10-11 November 2016.

Peters, E. (2016). Vocabulary learning through viewing: the differential effect of L1 subtitles and captions. Symposium on teaching and learning vocabulary in another language. University of Western Ontario, London, 21 October 2016.

Peters, E. (2016). Vocabulary acquisition through viewing. School of Linguistics and Language Studies Speaker Series. Carleton University, Ottawa, 7 October 2016.

Some recent talks/Enkele recente lezingen:

Noreillie, A-S., Desmet, P., Peters, E. (2019). L1 and L2 speakers' vocabulary use in two dialogic speaking tasks. Presented at the EuroSLA, Lund, 29 Aug 2019-31 Aug 2019. 

Duong, P.T., Montero Perez, M., Desmet, P., Peters, E. (2019). The differential effects of Input-based and Output-based Tasks on Vocabulary Learning. Presented at the 2019 International Conference on Task-based Language Teaching, Ottawa, 19 Aug 2019-21 Aug 2019. 

Noreillie, A-S., Desmet, P., Peters, E. (2019). L1 and L2 speakers' vocabulary use in interactive speaking tasks. Presented at the Vocab@Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 01 Jul 2019-03 Jul 2019. 

Durbahn Quinteros, M.V., Rodgers, M., Peters, E. (2019). The relationship between lexical coverage and viewing comprehension. Presented at the Vocab@Leuven, KU Leuven, 01 Jul 2019-03 Jul 2019.  

Duong, P.T., Montero Perez, M., Desmet, P., Peters, E. (2019). Vocabulary learning in input-based and output-based tasks. Presented at the Vocab@Leuven, Leuven, 01 Jul 2019-01 Jul 2019. 

Duy, V.V., Peters, E. (2019). Incidental vocabulary acquisition from reading-only, reading-while-listening, and reading with textual input enhancement: Insights from Vietnamese EFL learners. Presented at the Vocab@Leuven Conference, Leuven, Belgium, 01 Jul 2019-03 Jul 2019. 

Duy, V.V., Peters, E. (2019). Learning L2 vocabulary from reading-only, reading-while-listening, and reading with textual input enhancement: Insights from Vietnamese EFL learners. Presented at the BAAL Vocabulary SIG 2019 Conference, Manchester, UK, 25 Apr 2019-26 Apr 2019. 

Peters, E. (2019). The effect of imagery and subtitles on L2 vocabulary learning from audio-visual input. Presented at the AAAL, Atlanta, 09 Mar 2019-12 Mar 2019. 

Peters, E., Noreillie, A-S. (2019). Dezelfde eindtermen voor Frans en Engels? Of toch maar niet? Presented at the School ♡ onderzoek. Interactieve inspiratiedag voor leraren en onderzoekers, Brussel, 14 Feb 2019-14 Feb 2019. 

De Wilde Vanessa, , Peters, E. (2019). Engels in het lager onderwijs. Goed idee of niet? Presented at the School ♡ Onderzoek. Inspiratiedag voor leraren en onderzoekers, Brussel, 14 Feb 2019-14 Feb 2019. 

Peters, E. & Puimège, E. (2018). Learning formulaic sequences from audio-visual input. SLRF, Montréal, 26-28 October 2018.

Puimège, E. & Peters, E. (2018). Incidental second language vocabulary learning from out-of-class exposure: The English vocabulary size of children prior to formal instruction. SLRF, Montréal, 26-28 October 2018.

Peters, E. (2018). Learning vocabulary from audio-visual input: The role of imagery and subtitles. EuroSLA, Münster, 6-8 September 2018.

Puimège, E. & Peters, E. (2018). Incidental second language vocabulary learning from out-of-classe exposure: the English vocabulary size of children prior to formal instruction. EuroSLA, Münster, 6-8 September 2018.

Peters, E. (2017). The effect of out-of-class exposure on learners’ vocabulary size. AAAL. Portland, Oregon (USA), 18-21 March 2017.

Puimège E., Peters E. (2017). Incidental vocabulary acquisition from viewing: is it the same for single words and formulaic sequences?. EuroSLA. Reading, UK, 30 August - 2 September 2017.

Puimège E., Peters E. (2017). Incidental vocabulary acquisition from viewing: is it the same for single words and formulaic sequences?. BAAL Vocab SIG. Reading, UK, 3-4 July 2017.

Noreillie A., Heylen K., Desmet P., Peters E. (2017). Exploring the relationship between vocabulary knowledge and speaking proficiency in French. EuroSLA. Reading, 30 August - 2 September 2017.

Peters E., Heylen K. (2017). A methodology for the development of topic- and corpus-based word lists: the case of four B1 communicative activities. EuroSLA. Reading, UK, 31 August - 2 September 2017.

Deygers B., Peters E. (2016). University entrance language tests: Justice at the core of the construct. GURT. Washington, D.C..

Montero Perez, M., & Peters, E. (2016). Methodological choices in studies into vocabulary acquisition through audio(-visual) input: a systematic review. BAAL SIG Vocabulary. Nottingham, UK, 7-8 July 2016.

Kestemont, B., Noreillie, A., Heylen, K., Desmet, P., & Peters, E. (2016). An empirical investigation of the relationship between L2 vocabulary size and L2 listening comprehension at the (pre-)intermediate level in English and French. Vocab@Tokyo. Tokyo, Japan, 12-14 September 2016.

Noreillie, A., Kestemont, B., Heylen, K., Desmet, P., & Peters, E. (2016). An empirical investigation of the relationship between L2 vocabulary size and listening comprehension at the B1 CEFR-level in French and English. ACLA/CAAL. Calgary, Canada, 30 May 2016 - 1 June 2016.

Kestemont, B., Noreillie, A., Heylen, K., Desmet, P., & Peters, E. (2016). An empirical investigation of the relationship between L2 vocabulary size and L2 listening comprehension at the B1 CEFR-level in English and French. European Association for Language Testing and Assessment (EALTA). Valencia, Spain, 5-8 May 2016.

Peters, E., & Webb, S. (2016). Learning words through watching television: the effect of frequency of occurrence, word relevance and learners’ vocabulary size. American Association for Applied Linguistics (AAAL). Orlando, Florida, US, 9-12 April 2016.

Deygers, B., Peters, E. (2016). University entrance language tests: Justice at the core of the construct. GURT. Washington, D.C..

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