
Workshops take place in the same room as the departmental seminar (same day 11am), i.e. mostly in Auditorium 4 for the Spring term.

12 Sept 2022 Marie Gauthier (Université de Pau) T.430 (4th floor)

Optimal Market Share of Demand Response Aggregator

19 Sept 2021 Mathias Reynaert (TSE-R)

The Environmental Impact of Protecting Land in Europe

26 Sept 2022 Sylvain Chabé-Ferret (TSE-R)

The Impact of Organic Farming on Biodiversity: Evidence from France

03 Oct 2022 Graham Macklin (PhD student, TSE)

Optimal Subsidies for Intermittent Renewable Electricity

10 Oct 2022 Arnaud Goussebaïle (ETH Zurich)

Democratic Climate Policies with Overlapping Generations

17 Oct 2022 Gerard Llobet (CEMFI)

Renewable Power in the Energy Transition (with Natalia Fabra)

Oct 24th through Nov 6th: no workshop.

7 Nov 2022 Marine Coinon (TSE-R)  Room 1 (-1)

Gone with the Wind? Analyzing Peer Effects in Organic Farming

No workshop on November 14th: TSE Internal Seminars.

21 Nov 2022 Nicolas Treich (TSE-R)  Auditorium 3 (ground floor)

The Animal Welfare Levy

28 Nov 2022 Claire Lepault (PhD student, PSE)

Is urban wastewater treatment effective in India?

5 Dec 2022 Pello Aspuru (PhD student, CEMFI)

Coal bailouts through pollution abatement devices

06 March 2023 TBD


13 March 2023 Céline Nauges (TSE-R)

Adoption of preventive measures and pesticide use: The role of risk preferences and anticipations (with Douadia Bougherara, Fabienne Femenia)

20 March 2023 François Salanié (TSE-R)

Welfare Theorems and Global Maximization

27 March 2023 Peter Neis (PhD student, TSE)

Just Water? Environmental Jurisprudence, Water Quality and Infant Mortality in India (with S. Bhupatiraju, D. Chen, S. Joshi, and S. Singh)

03 April 2023 Stefan Ambec (TSE-R)

How carbon tax and label impact online food shopping?

No workshop on April 10th: Easter Monday + TSE Internal Seminars.

17 April 2023 Martin Dhaussy (PhD student, TSE)

Estimating the Impact of Intermittent Renewable Energy Sources on the European Electricity Hedge Market

April 24th through May 14th: no workshop.

15 May 2023 Lilan Rebaï (PhD student, TSE)

Environmental risk and real estate prices in France

22 May 2023 Jessica Coria (University of Gothenburg)

The Choice of Mechanism for Offsetting Biodiversity Losses

May 29th: no workshop.

05 June 2023 Vincent Bagilet (PhD student, Columbia University)

The Environment in the Public Sphere

12 June 2023 Johanna Joy Isman (PhD student, TSE)

What are the limits to private certification? Evidence from an attempt to protect intact forests