
Workshops take place in the same room as the departmental seminar, i.e. mostly in Auditorium 4 for the Fall term, from 10:00-10:45am.

11 Sept 2023 Sylvain Chabé-Ferret (TSE-R)  Auditorium 6 (3rd floor)

Leveraging Diffusion Effects to Increase the Effectiveness of Non Monetary Incentives

18 Sept 2023 Milo Bianchi (TSE-R & TSM)

Are We Becoming Greener?  Life-time Experiences and Responsible Investment

25 Sept 2023 Sylvain Chabé-Ferret (TSE-R)

Are Forest Conservation Programs a Cost-Effective Way to Fight Climate Change? A Meta-Analysis

02 Oct 2023 No workshop

09 Oct 2023 Olivier Lision (ODR)

Agronomic and socio-economic drivers for crop protection in France

16 Oct 2023 Frédéric Cherbonnier (Sciences Po Toulouse, TSE)

Discounting benefits of climate change mitigation project

Oct 23rd through Nov 5th: no workshop.

6 Nov 2023 Graham Macklin (PhD student, TSE)

Optimal subsidies for renewable energy

No workshop on November 13th: TSE Internal Seminars.

20 Nov 2023 Konrad Dierks (PhD student, TSE)

Valuation of electricity storage using stochastic control

27 Nov 2023 Tristan Du Puy (PhD student, Columbia University)

Competition and Patterns of Agricultural Intensification: Selection, Productivity and Pollution

04 Dec 2023 Lilian Rebaï (PhD student, TSE)

Flood Risk Information and real estate markets in France

11 Dec 2023 Patrick Draheim (PhD student at the German Aerospace Center, TSE visitor) POSTPONED to a date TBD in January

Projection of external costs from point source emissions of air pollutants in Europe

04 March 2024 Philippe Bontems (TSE-R)

Climate Change and Trade: Risky Gravity for Wineries

11 March 2024 Edouard Pignède (Phd student, PSAE)

Golden cities? Artisanal mining and urbanization in SSA

18 March 2024 Jean-Pierre Amigues (TSE-R)

Temperature versus Carbon-based regulations

No workshop on March 25th--April 21st:TSE Internal Seminars + Easter Monday + Spring break.

22 April 2024 Juliette Le Gallo (PhD student, Montpellier SupAgro)

Assessing the benefits of irrigation access: the case of southern France vineyards

29 April 2024 Maxence Gérard (PhD student, PSAE)

Mitigating greenhouse gas emissions from the cattle sector: land-use regulation as an alternative to emissions pricing (with Stéphane De Cara and Guy Meunier)

06 May 2024 Stefan Lamp (TSE-P)

Firms’ Bidding Behavior in a New Market: Evidence from Renewable Energy Auctions

13 May 2024 Graham Macklin (PhD student, TSE)

Optimal Subsidies for Renewable Energy

May 20th: no workshop.

27 May 2024 Lilian Rebaï (PhD student, TSE)

Natural disasters, land-use regulation and real estate markets in France

03 June 2024 Konrad Dierks (PhD student, TSE)

Valuation of electricity storage with intermittent wind energy

10 June 2024 Marine Coinon (postdoctoral fellow, TSE)

Estimating the Health Effects of Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity: Evidence from Vietnam