E-Tweaks XP

The original E-Tweaks (now named E-Tweaks XP) is a project I started a few years ago to improve the look and the performance of Windows by automating some tweaks I discovered while prowling around the net.  The initial version was written for XP, since it was the latest OS at that time.  I no longer touch this project, since I no longer run XP.

This pack includes a batch script named Install.bat that will begin the process of installing (obviously).  I've included a README text file that does a decent job at explaining what it does.  So, to save time, I'll just paste it here with some styling to make it more readable.  Please note I am no longer maintaining this project, regardless of what the readme says:

E-Tweaks v1.5 Readme

This is a simple tweaking pack that I put together.  I will continue to add to

this pack and introduce new scripts to make things easier to set up.  For an updated pack, go to http://www.eneerge.net .

This is no where near done.  I have not completed the reversal scripts for the services, so if you need to reenable a service, you'll

have to do it manually by going to start-> run "services.msc"

By using this tweak pack, you agree to not hold me liable for any damages that may occur as a result of the direct use of

this pack.  Please do not send me your bills!  I will listen to your bug reports, though.

[ Pre-installation Files ]

    Before installing these tweaks, make sure you have successfully performed the uxtheme hack.

    If you do not perform this hack, you will not be able to access the vista theme in display properties.

    You CAN install this pack now and perform the UXtheme hack later if you prefer.  It does not matter.

    The hack will be installed automatically on the next version of e-tweaks.

[ End Pre-installation ]


    Installing Themes, Fonts, Sounds, Wallpapers, and Optimizations


      1. Click the "Install.bat" batch file.

         - This copies all files to where they should reside in your system.

         - Most "optimizations" take affect immediately after running this file, but some may require a reboot.

         - You must apply the themes, fonts, and sounds yourself (see below)


      2. Apply Themes, Fonts, and Wallpaper

         - Go to your desktop and Right Click->Properties

         - Go to "Appearance" tab

         - Under "Windows and Buttons" click the down arrow and choose "Windows Aero" or "Razor 1.2" (I prefer the Razor theme)

         - Choose a Color scheme (these change the look of windows explorer)

         - Change the font to "Segoe UI" (Windows Vista font)

         - Navigate to the "Desktop" tab

         - Choose one of the new background images

         - Click Apply

         - Click OK


      3. Change your sounds

         - Go to Start->Control Panel

         - On the left pane, click Classic Control Panel (if you are not already in classic view)

         - Open "Sounds and Audio Devices"

         - Goto "Sounds" tab

         - Choose Vista RTM as the sound profile

        NOTE: If the sounds do not change after select Vista RTM.  Select a different profile (do not save the current profile), then re-select Vista RTM


    Installing Icons


      1. Reboot Windows into safe mode

         - To access safe mode, repeatedly hit the F8 key before the "Windows XP Loading Screen"

         - If you have disabled Windows File Protection, you will not have to install in safe mode.


      2. Run xPized Icons.exe after windows loads and follow the on screen instructions.

         - This icon pack replaces a lot of common icons and bitmaps in system files so they have a more modern appearance, however, the "My Computer" icon

        and a few other icons will not change after installing this pack.  That is what the vista icon patch is for.

      3. Reboot

      4. Open "Vista Icon Pack.exe" after Windows loads, and follow the on screen instructions.

         - I do not recommend the Boot Screen - it's ugly

         - The logon screen is pretty, install it - don't confuse the two!

         - Autoupdates do not work, so there is no sense in installing

         - The vista drive icons sometimes work and sometimes don't (I install them).

         - The Tooltip that comes with this program works, but it is outdated.  You decide what you want to do.


      3. The program will ask to reboot after installing - Do it.

      4. Allow Windows XP to load normally


[ End of Installation Procedures ]

[ Info about Optimizations Script ]

    Performs the following registry tweaks:

        - Sets HungAppTimeout to 1000

        - Sets WaitToKillAppTimeOut to 1000

        - Sets MenuShowDelay to 30

        - Sets WaitToKillServiceTimeout to 1000

        - Sets NtfsDisable8dot3NameCreation to 1

        - Sets NtfsMftZoneReservation to 2

        - Sets Cleartype to "true"


        For details about these settings, they can be found by googleing their names.

        Later versions will document these.


    Disables the following services:

        - Alerter

        - Application Layer Gateway

        - Clipboard

        - Distributed Link Tracking Client

        - Error Reporting

        - Fax Service

        - Help and Support

        - Indexing

        - Messenger

        - Netmeeting Remote Desktop Sharing

        - Network Allocation Awareness

        - Performance Logs and Alerts

        - Remote Registry

        - Security Center

        - Shell Hardware Detection

        - Windows Firewall/ICS

        - Windows Wireless Zero - If you need wireless, you will have to re-enable this service by going to start->run "sc start WZCSVC"


        The "Task Scheduler" service is restarted and set to automatic.

        Later versions will allow the user to select which services to disable, as well as document

          what each service does.


    Disables Performance Monitor

        - This removes the ability to monitor performance in Administrative Tools, but also frees up resources.



    Defragments Prefetch

        - All files in prefetch folder are deleted.

        - The layout.ini file is rebuilt


        This will decrease boot up time significantly, but loading programs may be slightly slower until they are re-prefetched.

        However, cleaning up the layout.ini file will make the system faster in the end. Meaning, once everything is prefetched again,

          the layout.ini file will not include outdated entries, thus a faster system results.

[ End ]


After performing these tweaks, I recommend Defragmenting your hard drives for added performance.  Also, check my homepage (eneerge.net)

frequently for updates.

* For optimum tweaking, I recommend using N-Lite (www.nliteos.com) to slipstream these settings into a custom, unbloated windows


Thanks for downloading.  I hope you enjoy.