
Works on Windows Vista and Windows 7 only!

Launch with Administrator Privileges


Latest Version: 1.5.1

(December 14, 2010)

Requires .NET 4.0

FolderSpan is an application that combines multiple folder paths into one path so that the contents of all can be visible in one.  It was written mainly to combine Media files that  span across multiple drives into one location.  This way two different "Movie" folders can be combined into one location so that Movies from all of your drives can be visible from one location.  It is very similar to the "Library" feature on Windows 7, except it uses a linking method so that applications that can't read Libraries will likely work with FolderSpan.

FolderSpan simply creates symbolic links and directory junctions to your content and places them in a single folder.

It's currently limited in features and may still have a few unknown bugs.  However, it seems to suffice for the job it is responsible for doing.  I plan to add a few key features as I get time.

Difference between "Add Files/Folders From..." and "Add Junction Link To..."

A junction link simply adds a quick shortcut to the specified folder.  No files or folders found inside the junction will be placed in the spanning folder.

When using the "files/folders" option, the folder is parsed so that all of its content is created in the spanning folder.  No link to the folder is created, but a shortcut to all of the folder's content is created.  This is what allows you to create a spanning folder that combines the contents of two or more folders.

Key Items Missing (but planned for later):

UPDATE: I recently discovered an alternative media server that enabled the feature FolderSpan provides without creating symlinks/junctions and monitoring changes.  If you are looking for a good DLNA media server, check out Servioo.


1.5.1 - Fixed issue where reparse points were not updated when files/folders were renamed.


- Added Activity Log

- Added "Clean-up" tool

- Added "Edit" option

- Detects non-existing links/folders from LastSettings.xml and removes them

- Improved performance for file/folder deletion, renaming, and creation

- Improved aesthetics

- Zombie "CMD.exe" process should no longer appear on any action

1.0.4 - Fixed error that caused spawning zombie processes on file saves

1.0.3 - Added System Tray Icon

1.0.2 - Added an option for linking

1.0.1 - Fixed out of bounds error

1.0.1 - Settings saving and restoring

Keywords: Combine folders, multiple access folders,  Windows 7 Library Alternative