About Me

Born: 5/29/1986

Died: Thankfully, not dead yet (as of May 6, 2011 :-) )

College Major: Management Information Systems (BBA. May 2011)

Hobbies: Overclocking, Gaming, Tweaking, Reading, Fun

Activities: AITP Secretary

Current Employer : Express Computer Service

Current Position : Technician

Current Role : Software repair, hardware diagnosis and replacement, OS CD slipstreams

Current Employer #2 : University of Missisisippi Foundation

Current Position #2 : IT Intern

Current Role #2 : Computer repairs (soft/hardware), minor website maintenance & updates


Past Experience

 University Trails Apartments, Oxford, MS

Temporary IT Assistant     2010

·         Configured and set up BlueSocket WG-2100 roles, access privileges, and authentication.


 Greene’s Vinyl Products, Inc., Corinth, MS

Inside Sales Manager        May 2001-2006

·         Created and assisted customers with orders, invoices, credits, and payments using QuickBooks.

·         Installed and maintained a small company e-mail server.

·         Secured wired and wireless network by locking down the system with a firewall and implementing AES encryption, MAC Address filtering, hidden SSID, power reduction, and radio scheduling.

·         Sold vinyl siding, windows, shutters,  and other home accessories