William Wadsworth and Elizabeth Stone

William Wadsworth was born on February 26, 1593/1594 in Cambridge, England and died in 1674/1675 in Hartford, Connecticut. He was the son of William Wadsworth and Elizabeth.

William married Elizabeth Stone. Elizabeth was born on October 2, 1621 in Long Buckley, Hampshire, England. She was the daughter of John Stone and Sarah Rogers. She died in 1681/1682 in Connecticut .

William arrived at Cambridge, Massachusetts 1632 in Lyon from London with four children. The Lyon sailed from London on June 22, 1632 and arrived in Boston between September 14/16, 1632. The master, William Pierce, brought “123 passengers, whereof fifty children, all in health. They had been twelve weeks aboard and eight weeks from Land’s End.” The manifest lists: William Wadsworth of Braintree, Essex and Mrs. Wadsworth and children Sarah, William, Mary, John. This Mrs. Wadsworth is William’s first wife, Sarah Talcott and her children. Sarah had to have died after 1632 and before 1644. William then married Elizabeth Stone on July 2, 1644.

He was elected a freeman November 6, 1632, moving to Hartford, Connecticut in 1636. His name appears on Hartford's Founders Monument.

He was a townsman in Hartford 1642, 1655, 1661, and 1673. He was a constable in 1651. His will was dated May 16, 1675, and his estate inventoried on October 18, 1675 at £1677.13.9.

Founders of Hartford, Connecticut

The following list is based on the names that were engraved on the original Founders Monument in the Ancient Burying Ground, also sometimes referred to at the "Old" or "Center" Cemetery. The cemetery is located at the rear of the First Congregational ("Center") Church at the corner of Main and Gold Streets in Hartford. The original brownstone Monument erected in 1837 was replaced by one of pink Connecticut granite in 1986. Listed on the monument are: Samuel Stone, John Talcott, and William Wadsworth.

Hartford Connecticut Founder's Monument

[Google images]

History compiled and edited by Ruth H. Barker

Sources: http://www.foundersofhartford.org/images/foh_monument_04.jpg


Uploaded by Emily Barker Farrer, 2010