Clarence Sharp Barker Tribute by Percy Horne

A Tribute to Clarence S. Barker

by Percy M. Horne, brother-in-law

Our “trial by existence” in this mortal life may have been preordained to some extent in the Premortal existence where we learned of our mission in mortality, and could foresee more of the benefits to be gained by a testing of our endurance and faith and empathy for our fellow men. How else can we explain the suffering of some of the most virtuous and highly developed souls who have entered this existence, and yet have had to undergo hardships of extremely painful and prolonged nature. Yet, having persevered by the sheer determination and comprehension of their spiritual outlook, have succeeded in being even better prepared to meet challenges of eternity in God’s Eternal Kingdom.

These past twenty years of the life of Clarence Barker have certainly been a testing period for, not only him, but for his family as well. They have met this challenge with faith and good will and unwavering devotion. This has been an example to all who are close to them. As a brother-in-law to Clarence I was permitted to witness his tenderness and devotion toward his wife, Maurine, in the last remaining months and years of her suffering, before her death. He couldn’t have been more solicitous of her well-being than he was, talking lovingly and kindly to her all the while and seeking to alleviate her discomfort. Now, the children have tried in every way possible to give him the same king of care and devotion.

During the first years of working for my brother Dick in painting for the Barkers’ I became acquainted with Clarence. After I married his sister-in-law who resided with the family, I got to know him much better. Clarence is a quiet determined resourceful individual with a love of sports, outdoor activities, and real devotion to family and Church. His place as Patriarch to his family is well established and influential in the lives of his sons and daughters, giving them a feeling of security and of belonging to the greater family of humanity.

There were times when the stubborn side of Clarence’s disposition was exerted in political arguments with a family that were declared Democrats. His conservative nature was aligned with the opposite party and he was quietly determined to “stick to his guns” in such matters of commitment to principles. As the Capitol Reporter for the Deseret News he gave unbiased, straight forward accounts of political proposals, debates and legislation. In this position he formed friendships with many political leaders who admires his concise and fluent, but unprejudiced accounts of capital doings.

His writing abilities carried over into some free-lance work in which he revealed his love of Western History and the unusual stories of frontier men and women, including settlers, adventurers, and outlaws. He wrote with gusto and humor in these tales of the West that have been passed down through generations. Some of these writings were published, and all were shared with friends and family.

I have always respected this man as a person of integrity, talent, and perseverance. Even though my disposition is of a different kind more romantic, imaginative, and colorful, I’ve still found much to enjoy in his practical approach to life and his abundant awareness of life’s true values. He exemplified these values in so many ways. Yes, and even though I could never win with him in table tennis, or change his mind about certain important issues, or even hope to achieve an understanding of all that tremendous history of wester Events and Folklore that was his, I still think of him as being a very important figure in my life’s development. I honor and respect him a as a brother-in-law in real life and as a spiritual brother in the Gospel of Jesus Christ of Latter-day-Saints.

Tribute to Clarence Barker

Here is a man! . . . . .

Most beloved and honored by family and friends,

Strong in his Faith, moral and just in his

dealings –

No coward in backing truth, or asserting

his rights

But a “doer” a player to win, a stalwart

opponent. . .

No loss considered as final, but leading

to greater rewards,

As stepping stones to success in larger


Not hampered by Fame or Power, or riches

beyond need

But proud to his lineage, humble before his


A man to imitate . . . praise for moral


And the devotion he gave to wife and the

children they bore,

!!! This praise for one whose Life was a

constant success

Not fixed in Time, but eternal in terms of


Percy M. Horne

Barker Clarence Sharp Tribute.pdf