
O Clyde, darling Clyde, our dutiful child,

So true and so loving, so pleasant and mild;

Our joy in his childhood, our pride in his youth,

Our hope for the future! – O think of our ruth

As he’s snatched from our side, like a flower just blown,

For the Master has called him and taken him home.

With pride and devotion we’ve watched him expand,

His talents unfolding as if it were planned

That all should be lovers of our darling too –

His soul so devoted, his virtues so true,

So manly his nature, his genius so rare,

The burdens of others so willing to bear.

God gave us our treasure to cherish on earth;

We’ve prized him and loved him, rejoiced in his worth,

And our hearts were so gladdened when all joined with ours

In loving him with us, as all love the flowers.

So, Father, we thank tee this treasure was given: –

Our hearts ‘bide with Thee and our treasure in heaven.

Submitted by Ruth Barker, 2010 (included in her version of his scrapbook; however, not in the scrapbook link by Margie Sorensen).