The Stuff I'm Made of
2021 - Guess what?! My youngest is now 5, and I have moved all the documents from my close relatives over to Family Search! A few things posted on here are from other sites or people, and I have for the most part not migrated those, as I would prefer the branches I got those from to do that (I don't want to step on anyone's toes). Because the Church does not post patriarchal blessings on Family Search, I am omitting them from here, but I do have copies still on my computer, for anyone interested. I am still leaving my content here, in case anyone stumbles on it, but there should now be a more comprehensive collection on Family Search.
Oct. 2013- The other night I went for the first time to the real new Family Search/Family Tree and LOVED it! I couldn't believe it. I was practically addicted within minutes. I think it was made for me. I noticed that some of the information from this site (i.e. pictures) already was on there! Hallelujah! So dear family, because you're probably not reading this unless you are family, please do not hesitate to upload information from this site to the new Family Search (just don't forget to keep the sources with it so others will know where it came from - not necessarily this site, but the actual source document/author). The only reason I made this site was that site did not yet exist. I'm afraid if you wait for me to do it, you'll be waiting a good five years, or until my youngest goes to school. Well, that us, unless we have another baby, then we'll be talking another 7-8 years!
2010- While gathering pictures from family members for a personal project, I came across some histories and other gems I had not seen before. I thought I would make copies for my siblings, but decided that was too much work. As I got into it, I learned my Aunt Ruth was also working on the same information; however, she was transcribing (not just scanning like me), researching, and rewriting much of the information. So, now, I'm in the process of adding Aunt Ruth's documents to this site (there's a ton!).
I also just got a bunch of information from Ginger Vandenburg, a friend (and relative!) in the neighborhood, who also comes through the Cox line. I believe much of it comes from Before and After Mt. Pisgah by Clare Christensen. I've added that all in.
Sorry everything looks so bad, the Google Pages to Google Sites migration made it look worse than it already was!
-Emily, 2010
(Pretend this is a pedigree chart, it just doesn't have the connecting lines)
Elizabeth Greenfield
m: Maurine Lenore Christensen (below)
Cecilia Sharp Jean Russell
Peder Christensen
...Rvd. Joseph Rowlandson & Mary White
Agnes Okeman Kent
Susanna Butler
Abigail Powell
Experience Newton
Sarah Searles
Additional ancestors that are having a hard time fitting on this page:
Colonel John Whiting and Jerusha Lord
William Whiting, Major and Susanna Wiggin
Joseph Wadsworth and Elizabeth Talcott
William Wadsworth and Elizabeth Stone
Additional Information
The Barker Family History by Frederick Ellis Barker
Barker-Sharp-Condie Family History taken from Gladys Barker Westwood Life Sketch by Clarence Sharp Barker.
Roots of the Barker Family by Ruth H. Barker
The Sharp Family by LeGrande G. Sharp
Sharp and Condie Dates and Places by LeGrande G. Sharp
The Sharp's Scotland by Ruth H. Barker
The perhaps new Origins of the Driggs Family
Barker Genealogy notes and information from David M. Barker
Knowles Genealogy notes and information from David M. Barker
Additional Ancestors (not direct line)
Alma Sharp Barker, brother of Clarence Sharp Barker
Gladys Barker Westwood, sister of Clarence Sharp Barker
Joseph Ira Barker, brother of Clarence Sharp Barker
Lucile Barker, sister of Clarence Sharp Barker
Frederick George Barker, brother of Clarence Sharp Barker
John and Adam Sharp, additional information, brother of Joseph Sharp
John Sharp, brother of Joseph Sharp Obituary
John Sharp, brother of Joseph Sharp as recorded in Twentieth Ward History 1856-1979 by Ruth J. Martin (pdf)
History of Jane Patterson Sharp, Joseph Sharp's sister-in-law by Martha Sharp Anderson
Janet Condie, sister of Margaret Condie and first wife of Joseph Sharp
Joseph C. Sharp brother of Cecilia Sharp
Gibson Condie, Reminiscenses and Diary, brother to Margaret Condie Sharp (coming per ebf or rb)
History of Paul Christensen (pdf), brother of Niels Christensen by Clare B. Christensen
Frederick Walter Cox, Jr. and Lucy Gunn Allen Cox, brother and sister-in-law to Rosalia Cox Driggs, submitted by Ginger S. Vandenburg, 2010
Charles Hulet and Margaret Haynes Noah, brother and sister-in-law to Sally Hulet, submitted by Ginger S. Vandenburg, 2010
Before and After Mt. Pisgah, Clare B. Christensen, Salt Lake City, 1979
The Christensen Family of Soro, Denmark and American Fork, Utah, USA, Allen C. Christensen, Bountiful, Utah, 1994
Our Road to Happiness: Personal Histories of Beth Guyman Christensen and Paul Driggs Christensen, Logan Utah, 1995
Before Zion: An Account of the 7th Handcart Company, Allen C. Christensen, Springville, Utah, 2004
Driggs Family in America, L. Lynne Driggs, Phoenix, 1971
Don and May: Their Story, Junius E. Driggs, Phoenix, 1974
Stephen Chipman Pioneer: Roots - Branches Ancestors Descendants, Dean W. Chipman, Salt Lake City, 1980
Twentieth Ward History 1856-1979, Ruth J. Martin, 1979
Odyssey of the Barkers and the Russells, Don W. Barker, Baltimore, 1984
Supplement to Odyssey of the Barkers and the Russells, Don W. Barker, Baltimore, 1996
Edwin Whiting and his family, Marie Jensen Whiting and Marcus L Smith, Springville, Utah, 1999 (self-published)
The Life History of Charles Hulet and His Wives Anna Taylor, Margaret Noah, and Mary Lawson Kirkham, Eldred A. Johnson, Lindon, Utah, 1991 (self-published)
Web Sites
http://roots.cs.byu.edu/digroots2/ (username: BarkerFamily; password: volleyball)
Frederick Walter Cox home: http://www.frederickwaltercoxhome-ut.blogspot.com/, submitted by Cathy Whitaker
More on the Hulet descendants on Gathering Gardiners, shared by Kent Gardiner, 2010
http://davidmckaybarker.com/genealogy/, find Barker and Knowles genealogy.
Please let me know if you:
spot mis-identified photos or have other corrections
have an additional history or picture you would like posted, or that I can link to!
want a CD with pictures, histories, or other documents shown