SD Union Tribune (12 Nov 1999)
Page B-2
UCSD students protest noisy art project
12-Nov-1999 Friday
LA JOLLA -- Chanting and blasting 93.3-FM from a boom box yesterday, several UCSD students protested recorded sounds of traffic that have been playing nonstop in the Price Center, a campus hub where students gather to eat and study.
The recording of honking horns, revving motors and slamming doors is part of an art project called "Drive By Music" by graduate student Eliza Slavet.
Calling the traffic recording "audio terrorism," the protesters led the crowd gathered for lunch in a moment of silence -- that lasted a few seconds. Shouting "What do we want?" followed by silence, the students demanded a return to pop music on the food court sound system.
Many students have complained to the administration about the traffic recording in the three weeks it has been playing.
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