Mr. X's Reverse Fermentation

Mr. X is capable of certain feats nature dismissed.

Phoenician altered state-bearing

amphorae are carbon-dated now

but at 42nd Street and Lex

warm Pacific coastal fog is carried

in the backback of Mr. X.

And decomposed volcanic ash,

Mayacamas wind swirls,

a 2007 Pinot Noir prescient

with blueberries, white pepper

and other non-ingredients.

Mr. X savored each antecedent

light-transforming chloroplast,

memorizing unseen skyline hues

as dutifully before the sip

as blue devils meticulously afterward.

Father of Mr. X was dead

but in 2007 mother Judith could still amaze

with her accounts of Bluebeard’s fifth door

distilled by Bartok from a workman’s distillery.

She made Mr. X an expert on all such doorways.

Snow-lined sidewalk at 42nd St and Lex

was dissolved into a lighter-than-air Sonoma

through reverse fermentation,

an Ars nova by constructivist Mr. X

sung in great Gun Bun similes.